Chapter 2: A fight with Xi'an Yin.

Start from the beginning

"Let's find her when rest time come."

Xi'an Yin nodded and still in same pose. Jin hee smile and return to her seat. It's look like, Hae in will skip classroom for it.

(Several hours later)

Sounds bell been hearing by Hae in. She in top building on the roof. She sit behind the wall and sulking by herself. She feel to embrassed for what just happen. She mad of herself. Her heart pounded loud that she can hear it. She feel so hot. That make her exhausted.

"This feeling. This can't happening. Am i really....with him? Seriously?"

She cover her eyes and laying down. While in classroom, Jin hee discuss with Xi'an Yin about where they could find Hae in. She take Xi'an yin hand to walked as fast as she could to where will Hae in be. He just follow the flows and let the wind brushed a way what happen  in his mind earlier. They go search every place that might be a place for Hae in hide. But they could not find it. Then, Xi'an Yin stop walking that make Jin hee stumbled a bit and nearly to fall. She looking into his face and ask.

"Why are you suddenly stop. It's dangerous i almost fell you know."

She sulking about it. Xi'an Yin still in his mind. Thinking where should she hide herself from everyone. At that time, he remembers something that make him take Jin hee's hand and run. They going upstairs and go to the roof. Jin hee feel tired suddenly and while tried catch her breath she sit down and asking Xi'an yin why they suddenly run to the roof.

"When i was kid. There's a two girls around my age. The other one always sulking when i win all the games we play. She always hide herself where is no one would go there. Yes, she would hide herself on roof coz nobody will come."


"You always win! I hate it! You liar."

There a girl around ten years old, run through the forest behind the house. She cried a bit when she shout at Xi'an Yin. At that time, Xi'an Yin comes to Japan with his foster father. He was adopted when he was nine years old at Orphanage. He play with two friends he meet there a lot. But he and one of his two friends always end up fight because he always win in every game they play. At that time, he tell the other friend there, to stay in the house and tell her mother about it. After that, he run as fast as he could into the forest to search the sulking one. Times fly fast that make he stop for a minute and sit behind the tree. He looking into the sky, the slightly light from the sun that's gonna be eat by the earth flash onto him. He try to calm himself and thinking her hide place. But then he suddenly heard someone crying. He stand up and search the voice. Near the river, he saw a girl flying a small rock to the river. The back girl is the one he searching for. He smile as a relief and go to her then give a hug from behind.

"I'm sorry. I don't intend to make you feel like that."

The girl just crying loudly when heard it. Then she turned her body towards him and hug back. She cry not just because she upset. She crying because she doesn't know how to go back. Then, Xi'an yin lift her up for carry her like a princess carry, and bought her to the home.
(End flashback)

That time, he suddenly remember all the things and asking Jin hee about the past.

"Are you really don't know me and uncle? Even though i tell my name you and Hae in doesn't feel anything?"

He feel so sad about it and that makes his heart hurt. He tried to hold out he anger but he lost control when he heard her answer.

"I'm sorry. I don't know you. I born in Korea. I'm Ha in twin sister even though we don't have similarities. My name is Cha Jin hee"

A loud sounds heard clearly beside Jin hee's ears. A punch that been throw by Xi'an Yin towards the door behind her. The door broken and the shattered door made Xi'an Yin's hand bleed. Jin hee scared but at the same time she trying to calm Xi'an Yin but in the end, she just silent when he shout on her about her past.

"You!. You and Hae in are my precious friends! We both usually play together when were kids. I always win in every game we play. But then, Hae in and i always end up fight for it. She always run and hide herself when she can't win it. Are u already forget about it? About me! Your mom and dad. Your uncle! In Japan!"

Jin hee look into Xi'an Yin's face. His face change when she touch his cheeks. Slowly gentle and pat his head. While whispering.

"I'm sorry. Don't cry."

Xi'an yin just give a bitter smile about it. He doesn't know how to explain it. He just said something that he should not saying in the first place. Is not like she will remember a bitter memories to regain her memories about him. Then, he just tell her to go back to the class. He will find and take Hae in back. Jin hee just smile and go away from his sight. He release a big sigh. He anger out of himself for that. But then, he just trying to calm himself and searching Hae in.

(Around the coridor)

"I'm sorry... "

Said Jin hee with a low voice yet feel so sad.

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