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I inhaled the morning air and sighed, reminiscing about last night.

Thinking about her.

Her hair was falling in her face as she leaned into the microphone, the warmth of her cheeks radiating to meet mine. Our voices were perfect together, exquisitely intertwined. I fought the urge to reach over and push the hair away from her face and behind her ear so I could see her better.

Her umber colored eyes met mine once again, glimmering, although it couldn't be more dim inside. There was something there... passion, determination, something that was waiting to burst.

Her smile was something I cherished, because it only genuinely appeared when she was singing, joking around, or laughing. There was something eerily familiar about her, and I couldn't put my finger on it. The familiarity only surfaced when she smiled.

I could listen to her voice forever - it was soft, smooth, and flowed beautifully - very different than mine, and I think that is what made it so intriguing.

In that moment, there was nothing more I wanted than to be by her side - forever.

The click of the sliding doors that lead to the balcony startled me from my thoughts, and two balconies away was Lorelei, a blanket wrapped around her small frame. Her hair was pulled back away from her face and there was no evidence of her bold makeup left from the night before. She hadn't noticed me yet, but she was about to.

I was planning on walking downtown to see if there's anything good to eat, since it seemed like Lorelei and I were the only ones awake. Maybe I should ask her to come with me? It was seven in the morning, which is only a few hours earlier than I would wake up, but it was strange to see Lorelei awake at this hour, since she woke up late in the day yesterday.

"Good morning." I announced, just loud enough for her to hear me. I didn't want to startle her.

"Hi Josh." She smiled, sitting down in the chair. She picked her feet up off the ground and brought her knees to her chest, but turned to face me.

"You're up early." I stated, but my tone came off as more of a question. The sunrise behind her made her look even more beautiful, the pink and orange tones shining on the right side of her face.

"Yeah, I guess I am." She shrugged, slightly rocking back and forth. "I usually wake up around eight, but since I didn't sleep on the plane I was really tired."

"Understandable." I smiled, thinking about whether or not she would want to get breakfast with me. She would probably say yes, just to keep the peace, but I'm still going to ask her anyway.

"Want to go with me to get something to eat? Theres a few places downtown I have in mind." I suggested, hoping she would say yes just so I could spend a little more time with her, get to know her more.

"Yeah, sure." She answered, shrugging her shoulders. "Let me change into something warmer and I'll meet you in the lobby."

She stood back up, dragging her blanket with her back into her hotel room. She quietly shut the door behind her and I stood up as well, eager to hang out with her.

I walked back into the room, quickly finding my maroon sweater to put overtop my long sleeved shirt. I found a random scarf and looped it around my neck, hoping it will keep me warm enough. After shoving my wallet into my pocket, I left the room and walked to the elevator, pressing "L" to start the descend to the lobby.

It wasn't long after I sat down in one of the large cushioned chairs that I heard the elevator ding, and Lorelei stepped out of the large doors, wearing leggings, a large sweatshirt, and some bulky converse. I knew she would still be cold, but decided against saying anything.

legends never die || josh kiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now