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Josh Kiszka

I woke from my sleep, hearing a faint scream in the distance. I waited for a second to make sure it wasn't a dream, and it only took about five more seconds for another scream to erupt, but louder. It was only the four of us and Lorelei and Anastasia on this floor with our managers on the floor below. It had to be one of them.

I quickly threw the thick blanket off my body and jogged across the room, flinging the door open and was blinded by the yellow light coming from the hallway. After my eyes adjusted, I checked my watch, which read three o'clock in the morning. I started to walk to where I thought the screams were coming from when Anastasia emerged from her room, carrying not one, but two room keys.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked her, accidentally startling her from behind.

"Jesus Christ, you scared me." She breathed, hand over her heart like she was having a heart attack.

"Sorry, didn't mean to." I smiled, peering around her as I heard a quieter cry come from the room directly next to Anastasia's. "Is that Lorelei?" I asked, concerned, knowing it had to be her. Luckily, the other guys' rooms are past mine, so they probably can't hear it.

"Yeah, it is." She sighed, running a hand through her slightly tangled hair. "I'll handle it, just go back to sleep. I'm sorry." Anastasia said with a sympathetic smile, turning to walk a few yards until she reached Lorelei's door.

"No reason to be." I reassured, knowing it wasn't her fault. She swiped the key and entered Lorelei's room, and I decided to sit down on the floor and wait until she comes back out to make sure she's okay. After a few minutes, the loud shrieking turned into cries, and then to silence, which I'm assuming is a good thing.

About ten minutes had passed before I saw Anastasia again, slowly shutting the door to Lorelei's room. I stood slowly, ready to go back to sleep.

"Is she okay? Does this happen often?" I asked in a whisper.

"Why do you think I have a spare key?" She asked rhetorically. My face dropped slightly in realization, and I immediately felt terrible for Lorelei. I know what nightmares are like and they aren't pleasant. The fact they happen often enough for Anastasia to know to ask for a spare key saddens me.

"Well, she's fine, you'll get used to it." She sighed after I didn't answer her rhetorical question. "Oh - and, please don't say anything to her in the morning."

"I won't say anything - I promise." I smiled again, more comfortingly this time. I wouldn't want to do or say anything to embarrass anyone on purpose. I'm just glad she's okay.

"Thank you," She nodded slightly. "I'll see you in the morning."

And with that, she went back in her room and closed the door quietly behind her. Once back in my room, I flopped down onto my bed and covered back up, facing the window overlooking the city. Tomorrow is a new day, and will hopefully bring some healing to everyone.


"Honestly, I'm kind of scared of her. During the virtual meetings she just sat there and took notes, and never said a word." Jake shrugged, glancing over at Lorelei who had barely touched her food. The hood from her sweatshirt had been yanked over her head and she was slumped in her seat. Her pink cheeks indicated she was cold, but her gloomy demeanor stated she was unhappy.

We all decided to eat lunch in my suite, even though Lorelei and Sam had just woken up ten minutes ago.

"She's not scary, or mean." Sam rolled his eyes. "We sat on the roof last night and she was really nice, but you guys know how hard it is to handle fame at such a young age, especially since the three of us are younger than you guys." He finished, referring to himself, Danny, and Lorelei. Sam will turn twenty one in three days, Danny turned twenty one in December, and Lorelei will be twenty one in two months - June first.

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