Chapter 10

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Charles's Point of View

It's true what they say about how once you reach the top, loneliness eventually creeps in and takes over your life for privilege and wealth don't guarantee happiness

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It's true what they say about how once you reach the top, loneliness eventually creeps in and takes over your life for privilege and wealth don't guarantee happiness.

Growing up, the same outcome happens, just different scenarios and different levels of loneliness, but destiny has something else in mind for me. It provided me with a second opportunity to send someone who would alter everything. It's time that things tip my way ultimately.

Things are changing rapidly, and any decisions that must be taken should be completed as soon as possible. There's no more extended space for complacency in this game of war.

Our great grandfather, one of the most devious cunning men known, constructed the Waters because he was a believer in cutting-edge technology.
An Oblation of some sort for many lives was taken to make this project happen.

Providing funding for all of the scientists' initiatives. This became the gathering place for all of the renowned scientists who owed a debt of gratitude to my father's bank.

This is where every modern conflict has begun and ended. This is where the idea of mass annihilation first emerged.

After many decades, the Waters grew stronger and have expressed their intent to act as an independent group and have declared themselves neutral. My grandfather has reached his goal and turned soft, giving his blessings, not foreseeing another world war, and he received the Nanogex formula as a thank you from Nano, the leader who developed Nanogex and who, before passing away, transferred all of his duties to his son, including his responsibilities to the rest of the planet.

Due to the fact that their people would never pick sides, the waters' territory has never been touched by any other nation thinking they are being protected by the most powerful weaponry.

I am determined to win this battle and make a difference for the better of my clan's future. I will not allow my son to grow up in a world where he isn't smiling from the top. It's time that we take the waters, disturb their peace, and use all their resources to end this war.

I felt a movement next to me, bringing my thoughts to a halt. I looked to my side and Baby's arm was flung onto my chest, hugging it firmly like a pillow. Her face was so calm. I suddenly felt a jolt in my chest.

My eyes widened for the first time. I never really thought I could feel this way towards any woman. God damn it, what has she done to me? even last night when I wanted to fuck her senseless, seeing how peaceful she looked made me just want to lay beside her.

I gently slide my hands towards her body, putting them on her back to rest them there. Her eyes sprang open, and her hand slid to the side of her torso as she blinked. There it is. Her agitated figure has returned. Maybe she didn't expect to wake up right next to me.

Baby looked at her healed wrist and looked back at me in surprise. This is the look she always gives me as if she's not used to getting healed by the Nanogex.

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