"Don't be late, Philza Watson."

He then fell to the ground, his corpse splayed before his father. Philza crept up to his son, still in disbelief.


Wilbur was dead. He'd killed himself, right in front of his own father. Philza fell to his knees in front of Will, and placed his hand on the corpses chest. Some tears rolled down his cheeks as he slowly pulled out the knife, and threw it aside. He sighed shakily, and held his face in his hands, beginning to sob.

.  .  .

It was 12:00am on a Tuesday morning, Ranboo couldn't sleep at all that night. He sat up from bed with a drowsy look on his face and groaned.

The male rolled out of bed, got ready for the day, and went out the door for the Watson's house. He had to go there everyday because no one's around to look after Michael and Fundy; Techno has to get to work, while Tommy has to go to college. Sometimes Tommy gets a day off or just doesn't go, but Techno insists Ranboo comes over anyways. He doesn't trust Tommy to look after their nephews on his own.

Ranboo was now walking down the street of the neighborhood, Techno was already at work, so he didn't see him at the apartment home. After all, he literally woke up at 12:00am. Ranboo was far from the Watson's house, so it would take about... Maybe, twenty minutes to get there. It was a long walk.


The tall man looked up, he was on his phone. He slid his phone in his pants pockets to greet the individual who had called his name, that individual being none other than Charlie Slim. (Yes, his full name is Charlie Slim. No, it's not typo, it was not meant to say slime)

"Hi, Charlie."

"Ranboo, have you done my favor?"

"Yes, actually. Just yesterday I handed the note to Ponk."

"Oh, that's good that's good. So, where are you headed off to?"

"The Watson's house"

"Oh right, I forgot you know them. You know, I saw Tommy today!"

Ranboo hummed in response, "Cool,"

"He said, 'SLIME BOY, WHERE IS TWO EYES? HE WAS S'POSED TO BE HERE HOURS AGO' and then he stomped off into the house."
Charlie spoke in a deep voice as he imitated Tommy, which made Ranboo laugh.

"Tommy is quite the hot-headed one," he paused "OH RIGHT- I am so late, I need to go now– see you, Charlie!"

"Oh, see you!"

Ranboo said that as he ran past Charlie, they waved to each other goodbye and Ranboo continued on. The tall man slowed his pace as he came up to the house. Tommy was sitting on the pavement, the cars were gone. He looked annoyed when he saw Ranboo coming up.
"RANBOO, Where have you been?!"

Ranboo sighed with a smile, "Sorry, Tommy- I couldn't sleep last night.."

"I didn't ask you that, I asked you where you've been. Dumbass."

"..I was in bed. Sleeping."

"You big baby, you shouldn't sleep in so late! Don't you have an alarm or something?"

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