Chapter 15: Life Get's Better

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Which could only mean one thing. It's Noah. I know he notices me when his eyes dilate. In one hand he holds a spear. In the other is a big water canteen. Would he kill me? I don't know. He walks closer and closer.

"Noah," I say to acknowledge him. I was hoping I wouldn't meet him in here.

"Prim," He replies back. I back away, this guy has a spear after all.

"Oh um, don't worry...I won't kill you," he says. I decide to trust him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"Well Rue and I've been...hunting," I say, showing him the birds I shot.

"Impressive," he says with a cute grin.

"How about you?" I ask, trying not to smile too much.

"Well, I've been taken in by the careers...They wanted my help with some tech stuff. I was suppose to fill this canteen," he holds up the canteen, "with water and bring it back to the camp."

"Wait, so we're close to the career's camp?!" I exclaim.

"Well yeah, just walk maybe a mile or so and you'll get there."

"Why'd you come so far?" I ask.

"Oh I don't know, I just wanted to come out a bit. Maybe I could do something. The career's don't feed me nor do anything for me anyways. I just keep guard of their huge pile at the cornucopia."

"The pile?" I ask.

"Yeah, after the bloodbath, they've taken the rest of supplies and piled them into a huge pyramid, and I helped them to set bombs on the ground, using the pedestals we were on," he informs me as he fills his canteen.

"Why are you telling me all this? You could be caught you know," I say. He shrugs.

"I don't know. You're nice, you're a good girl I guess. So I um, I trust you, so I told you."

"Oh well, thank you. Here, take some. You said you're not fed very well," I say as I hold the shoe in front of him. He looks down at me feet.

"No shoes?" He asks.

"Haven't worn them since day two," I answer.

Then there's a long pause as he eats some roots and berries.

"Well I better get going," Noah says.

"Okay. It was nice to see you," I say.

"You too Prim," he says with a smile. He gives me a hug.

"What was that for?" I say as I blush.

"We may never see each other again," Noah simply says, and then he walks back up the lake, supposedly back to the camp.

It only takes a few minutes for Rue to come back, and she has three birds and a rabbit. The rabbit's not dead, but the birds are.

"I was starting to wonder what was taking you so long," I say with a smile, seeing all the things she brought.

"Oh well, we'll eat the birds and keep the rabbit, to help us find water," Rue smiles.

"I've been keeping my bunny in my jacket pocket after I found that it was eating my berries. You should do that same," I tell her.

"Okay," she says and put's her's in her jacket pocket.

"So, do you know what these guys are?" I ask while showing her the birds.
"Grooslings," Rue says.

"Never heard of them," I say with a shrug.

"We have them in District 11," she tells me.

"So how are we gonna cook these?" I ask.

The Hunger Games: Prim [REWRITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat