With a Little Help From My Friends

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"Y/N," I heard his deep voice call from the other side of the room, I had already been waiting for him to notice me, I was summoned nearly five minutes ago, "I have a job for you.", He states.

He walked over to my side of the room well talking "you must not get caught, you'll complete this mission completely on your own.. bring me proof of their death.", He says.

Then I left, I can't particularly remember why it was that I had to kill them or who it even was, but I remember not having been given direction, I left too excited to ask, it was late, rainy too, it seems it's always raining sometimes, every memory I have before my teen years it was raining, I believe God is in the rain.

I can't quite remember what happened next, I knew I had found someone who matched the description, but I didn't want to kill them, I had pityed them at how unfair this life can be, but good soldiers don't make other's fate, they don't decide whether someone is to live or die, they follow orders, after I had murdered them I took their tongue, I figured that was good enough, I had gotten lost though, I had no idea where I was, I never really left my Father's side before that job.

I had started to feel an overwhelming sense of dread, I looked around frantically for a sign of a path that i remembered to take back home, There was none, no one there I recognized, no sign of human lifeform either.

I started to panic and fear I would be separated from my father forever, Then I saw a spot where the rain was avoided, it seemed as if anything else had been avoiding that spot, it was a shape of someone, they were my height I remember calling out and receiving no response, I ran forward a bit and tripped, I looked up and I was back at my father's house, drenched in rain water.

I might have blacked out, for although I put this in impeccable memory, I can't remember really, I had suddenly taken ill, I felt used up, like someone had beat me in and starved  me, but I was in my father's arms being carried to my bed, and that's the end of it.

This memory isn’t one that I like to be reminded of…now I’m laying here feeling that same feeling of dread, feeling alone and lost in a world I was dropped in by something more inevitable, like I'm not anything but worthless, everything's just a big mass of everything, I'm caught under the log and the water keeps rushing by, eventually I'll just drown.

I am close to drowning in the dark void of sadness.

I slowly fell asleep, The next morning I went to go find kakyoin to talk to him about something.

I found him outside the door to what looked to be a library, talking to someone inside.

I go over to Kakyoin, he turns to me as I approached him, "morning Kakyoin, had you slept well?", I said well rubbing my eyes and flashing him a warm smile.

"I suppose you already know what's happened, then?", He asks me With an accusing tone almost, I am completely aware of what's happening, but I shouldn't, everything's actually going according to plan, does he suspect a spy of me? This is what worries me.

"no, I'm afraid I don't.", I say in a curious tone "I don't suppose you'll tell me?".

He nods and says "right, sorry. It appears Mrs. Kujo has gotten sick, very sick. From what I overheard its the work of-", he stopped for a moment and looked away "well she's got a stand, the process is killing her.", He states, this is planned, why I do feel sorry, she seemed nice, this means everything is going according to plan, I could honestly start laughing with Glee, but I conceal my joy and act stupid and sad.

"w-what..? Y- you mean, she'll-..", I stopped talking.

"not exactly" a deeper voice states, I see Avdol walk out carrying a book "we have a plan, follow me" he began walking back into some room he was probably in before the library.

I would follow him, Kakyoin then stopped outside the door well Avdol continued inside "we'll just wait a moment, I heard Jotaro and you fighting last night, we don't want to instrude.", Kakyoin states in a silent voice."though it might be," he mentioned "you're a bit different.", He states.

"how so?" I ask.

He looked away from me, I take it he doesn't like eye contact, especially not during a friendly interaction "well I mean, first of all, you're British, Mr. Joestar's British, you speak Japanese perfectly though, whereas Mr. Joestar even being his age still has trouble. You also don't cling to people like a helpless kitten, you've kind of got yourself under control, it's obvious you were faking that scene just back there, though Avdol believed it, on top of that you're smart, you probably already knew of what was happening.", He states, he's definitely on to me, or maybe he's just being observant, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"f- DIO..", sh*t, nearly slipped up "he.. he hurt me, did things unforgivable, my family.. m-... I can't let him get away with such sin going unpunished.", I state, he nods as if he understood my point, even though it was fake.

I would sigh and just say the truth “im…just scared for the moment…and about my speaking japanese perfectly i was introduced to alot of languages at a young age.

"your family, before what happened, had they traveled a lot?", He asks still avoiding eye contact which may start getting on my nerves.

I sighed “kakyoin stop….faking i know you know the truth already…”.

"don't say that," he snapped finally looking me in the eyes "don't trust people like that, it's idiotic! Don't say anymore, you're not bad, I know you're not! You got me out, somewhere where deep down I clawed at myself scared of death with every breath yet unable to move with my own will, keep it between me and you, or you'll end up dead.", He states in an angry/worried tone.

I was shocked I had never expected him to snap like that but I just hugged him happy I finally had someone else that truly cared about him “..a-alright” I said in a shaken up tone, “I-i just feel so lost right now..i hate the feeling it makes me sick..I need help…” I would admit as I looked up at kakyoin slightly.

He smiled back and hugged me back slightly and very awkwardly "then let's be friends." He states.

I would look up at him shocked “R-really?? Y-you will be my friend!” I would smile truly happy, “You…are my first friend…” I would say I would stop hugging him.

"c'mon now we're going.", He stated before pulling me and him into the room, "we're going with you!", He states.

All the faces turn to us, except the unconscious Holley, Joseph looked down a little disappointed "Kakyoin was it? If anything not even you should catch yourself up in family affairs, it's dangerous and hardly believable, no way are we going to get a girl like Y/N in this, it's terrible and she's been through enough already.", He says, frankly I think he just doesn't believe I'm safe to be around, I'm not hiding very well, am I?

Jotaro looked up to my surprise "hold it old man, she can be useful, as much as I'd hate to get her caught up aswell.. she needs to be put in place, she deserves any right as much as us.", He states before looking back down.

I would be annoyed but stayed silent so i wouldn’t get myself into trouble.

Kakyoin spoke out to break a short silence "besides, we can't just leave her, it's her right to come along, we all have the same goal, why not work as a team?", He asked, Jotaro nodded in agreement, now that that's settled, we're on our way, if I'm to spare anyone, it's definitely Kakyoin, my first friend that I made on my own.

Moonlight Shadow (Jotaro x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora