Episode 8:Smell ya later

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/~Tasha/ ❌/Gina*$_/




/Charlize"/ No longer a cast member|
*Gina walks into the bgc mansion*

Gina: Hi ladies, I'm Gina!

Rita: Hi Gina, I'm Rita.

Red: And I'm queen Red!

Brittney: I'm Brittney nice to meet you Gina.

Gina: You girls are beautiful!

Brittney: You're pretty yourself boo.

Red: I hope you can take the heat cause this house has been crazy so far!

Gina: I'm ready cause I can hang with the best of em in fighting.

*Later that day, 10:05 P.M.*

{Pop up}
Brittney: So we're all getting ready to go out but no one knows what I'm about to do. I am about to beat Sydney's ass, real talk!
{Pop up}

Sydney: Raven let's go in our room.

Raven: Ok honey, come on.

*Raven and Sydney start walking down the hallway as Brittney follows them*

Brittney: Stupid b*tches!

*Brittney grabs Sydney by her hair and pulls her to the wall. She starts punching Sydney in the head repeatably as Raven turns around. Raven tries to swing so Brittney punches Raven in the face as she holds Sydney. Sydney gets out of the grip and tries to push Brittney back as Brittney is punching Raven. Rita rushes down the hall, slings Sydney to the wall, and begins punching her. Brittney & Raven are now on the first stair with Brittney over Raven punching her as Raven is sitting. Rita slams Sydney to the ground and punches her 1x and it's broken up. Brittney is pushed by Raven and this causes her to fall down the stairs, she brings Raven. When they get to the bottom security quickly breaks the fight up.*

Raven: You weak ass bitch you had to sneak attack me!

Brittney: Yeah hoe you shouldn't have tried to swing bitch.

Rita: Sydney I told you that you had one coming.

*Producer Melissa take Raven in her bedroom because her nose is bleeding badly*

Melissa: We're gonna get you cleaned up cause this is bad.

Raven: I think my ankle is twisted cause it hurts bad!

Melissa: Well you are going to go to the emergency room.

*Camera switches to phone room*

Sydney: I need a squad car to *********************** because a girl attacked me and my friend and pushed her down the stairs.

Officer: Okay a car will be there right away.

*Brittney is being sent home so she is packing up to leave*

Brittney: I'm out this whack ass house.

*Police come into room #3*

Officer: Brittney and Rita you guys are being arrested.


{Pop up}
Red: We're going to Brazil and I'm happy! Finally away from the drama, hopefully. I just wish Brittney was here.
{Pop up over}

Replacement: I'm home b*tches!

Rita: OH MY GOD.

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