"I suppose that means that our newest addition will be going with Dabi. Someone needs to watch him and make sure he stays in line." Shigaraki said, smirking at the burned villain. Dabi just smirked back.

"That's more than fine with me. We'll try to handle the teachers while the rest of you go for the kid." He said. Jun swallowed. Could he take on a pro hero? Probably not. Did it make him nervous to think he would have to try? Also yes.

Was he going to shut the hell up about it and bottle those feelings? Yes again. 

The rest of the meeting bored Jun. He didn't want to talk strategy. He just wanted to show up and beat the shit out of everything he saw. Years of pent up aggression were just waiting to be let out. 

"Hey brat! You need some weapons training before we leave in 3 days. Eraserhead will probably be there and you need to know how to handle yourself without your hot-shot quirk." Shigaraki scolded, glaring at Jun through the hand. 'Hot-shot quirk?' He thought, utterly astonished. 

"Don't bully the baby!" Toga said with a smile. Jun rolled his eyes. "I'm the best with knives, so we can use the old boxing ring in the basement to practice!" The older teen said, gleefully smiling.

"You had me at old boxing ring." Jun replied. 

------ --------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- -------- 

Slowly, the time before the mission creeped closer Jun started to get more anxious about it. He felt like even with all his extra training with and without his quirk he wasn't strong enough. The pro heroes at U.A would probably take one look at him and call social services. 

"How do I look more threatening?" He asked Dabi one day. They were watching a movie on the ratty old couch in the main area of the bar. The villain didn't even try to hide his reaction, he just snorted and started laughing almost hysterically. 

"What?!" Jun asked incredulously. He was a little red after seeing Dabi's reaction. He could look scary! He totally could! 

"Sorry, sorry. Maybe its the chubby cheeks but I just don't think you can look intimidating." Dabi said, wiping tears of laughter out of his eyes. Jun pouted and his brows furrowed. He involuntarily felt his cheeks. Yeah, he did have a bit of baby fat, but if he kept training like he was now it'd go away! 

"What if I got piercings like you?" He asked, eyes locked on the metal stitches surrounding Dabi's burns. 

"No. Absolutely not. I basically have chronic pain, and these things are only there to keep me together, not because they're easy to work with." Dabi said, "We could pierce your ears though.". 

And that's how Jun ended up sitting on one of the bar stools holding his breath while Toga held ice cubes behind his ears. "I thought you were supposed to use apples?" He asked, trying not to show his nervousness. 

"You use that as a backstop for the needle." Dabi said. The needle in question was in his palm being lapped over by small blue flames to make sure it was sanitary. "The ice cubes are there to numb your ears.". 

Jun nodded and bit the inside of his cheek. Toga removed the ice cubes and did indeed replace it with apple slices. Dabi told him to take a deep breath, Jun decided he didn't need the exhale step of the breathing process anymore and in an instant, it was done. He felt even more numb during the second ear. 

"That wasn't that bad, was it?" Dabi chuckled, taking in Jun's expression. He went to place the stud earrings (that were actually his but he wouldn't miss) in the holes. 

"What the fuck..." He mumbled, staring at the holes. 

"What is it?" Toga and Jun asked at the exact same time. Dabi wordlessly pulled his hand back for Jun's head and showed the two his fingers. 

Blood. But not normal blood. Jun's blood. 

The 15 year old froze up on the spot, nothing but panic flooding into him. It wasn't slime. Not yet at least. It was still blood consistency. His breathing sped up and it felt like the stool he was sitting on started to spin. 

"Jun-" Someone called out. Their voices were fuzzy, he couldn't hear them properly. "Panic." "Blood-somewhere els-".

Tears stung in his eyes. No. He couldn't cry. That'd just tell them more. They couldn't know. No one could know. He didn't even feel Dabi carry him up the stares or Toga's fingers in his hair. He couldn't breathe

"In and out kid. Fuck. Just take in some air." Dabi said, his voice was a lot more commanding than usual. A little frantic. Jun tried to listen and in about five minutes he felt less like he was dying. 

"Is this why you were vague about your quirk?" The villain asked, his voice back to normal. Jun nodded pitifully and looked up at Dabi with eyes glossy from unshed tears. Dabi just sighed. "Its just a little blood. No one's going to judge you." He explained, a half smile on his face. "That being said, you don't have to tell anyone that this is how your quirk works if you don't want to.". 

"Don't tell anyone." He said, his voice breathy from suffocating for a little bit. Dabi just nodded and helped him to his feet. It was now he noticed that they were in his room. 

"We wont!" Toga said with a smile. "Now lets go find those earrings Dabi dropped before someone steps on them.". They all laughed a little but were interrupted by someone crying out in pain. 

"Who the fuck-". It was Shigaraki. He had almost definitely stepped on the earrings. 

The trio burst out laughing. 


Welcome to deep seeded anxiety, lets meet tonight's special guest, Jun! 

Honestly tho I'm starting to really love the group bond Toga Dabi and Jun are creating. It flows very naturally while I'm writing. I should probably make some art of them or something, I haven't drawn for one of my works in quite a while now lol. 

Stay tuned for the training camp battle! 

Try-Hard (BNHA x Male OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن