Chapter 4

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Sonali was not in a good mood; she was being scolded by the AP World History teacher in front of the entire staff. Her temper was slowly coming up to a head when the principal interceded. "From what I hear she did your job much better than you ever could". The room went silent. The history teacher turned to the man he had thought would be on his side "Sir?" 

The clear hurt and confusion in his voice made Sonali raise an eyebrow. The principal however continued "Sonali managed to get all your students to turn in the perfect AP World History projects, none of them were on the same topic and used other events similar to what they were writing about to show how history tends to repeat itself when we don't learn from it."

Sonali stared at the man who seemed to turn pink in his anger before he glared at her "So you rather have that Keling bitch than me influencing young minds" Sonali leaned forward in her seat a smirk on her face "So you're racist." 

The room grew quiet as the young woman stood up without issue "Firstly I'm South Asian to be more precise my mother was from Bangladesh and my father was from India. Secondly just because I'm young does not mean I don't know the old racist terms. Thirdly my title isn't bitch, professionally in civilised circles that you clearly do not frequent I am Doctor Sonali Volturi." 

Now rising to her feet, she slowly walked over to the man "However in the diplomatic and noble circles which you will never grace in your lifetime I am known as Lady Volturi. Do you want to play this game with me"?

The man paled and stepped back while the principal sighed, he had hoped that this would be avoided but clearly, he was wrong to have hope. Sonali then retook her seat and smiled while the other man now pale turned to his boss and spoke two words "I quit". 

The teachers watched as the man walked over to his desk packed all his belongings and left. Two teachers glanced at Sonali as she sent a quick text on her phone before asking "Lady Volturi, are you alright?" Sonali glanced up at them and smiled "I'm alright thank you for asking, also you do not have to call me Lady Volturi Sonali is just fine".

The drama in the teacher's lounge did not stay between the teachers as a few students had overheard the entire interaction and it quickly spread around the school. The students all marvelled when they found out that the young teacher was the sister of Italy's most famous faceless billionaires and had in her own right been given a noble title by several monarchies. No wonder she was so elegant and eloquent that she came from money. Sonali however continued on with her day without issue.

Nikolai glanced at Courtney with a lovesick expression on his face while Jasper held back his frown. In the beginning, he had no issue with Nikolai pursuing his mate yet after spending the day with Edward Nikolai seemed to be very confused about whether he should turn his mate or allow her to live a normal human life. Jasper often wondered if Edward was an idiot, and this confirmed it.

He walked over to his step-godson and dragged him into an abandoned classroom "You turn her or you both die. Vampires after they find their mate are sane and more balanced not completing the mate bond or ignoring it drives them mad and causes them to either kill their mate or go on a spree. She cannot be a human in a vampire world the longer she stays human after she finds out the more appealing her blood becomes then other vampires will end up killing her".

Nikolai froze and stared at the ground in shame, Jasper kept his opinion on Edward to himself before leaving Nikolai to think about what he would do. The vampire remained silent and kept to himself for the whole day as both Edward's and Jasper's advice swirled through his head. When they arrived home the man had just gone up to his room without word. This caused Sonali to level her mate with a look as he quickly began to explain himself.

Nikolai paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. Jasper's words echoed in his ears, each syllable a heavy burden on his conscience. The notion of turning Courtney into a vampire lingered in his thoughts like a persistent shadow, refusing to be ignored.

"What would happen if you followed Edward's advice and left her to live a human life?" Jasper's last question before he left the room had sparked a tempest of doubt within Nikolai. On one hand, he craved Courtney's happiness, even if it meant sacrificing his desires. But on the other, the prospect of losing her to the ravages of time tormented him.

Turning to Sonali for guidance seemed like the logical next step. She possessed a wisdom that transcended her years, her insights often providing clarity amid uncertainty. With a heavy heart, Nikolai sought her counsel, hoping for solace in her words.

As he approached Sonali, Nikolai found himself at a loss for words. How could he articulate the turmoil raging within him? How could he convey the depth of his conflicting emotions?

"Sonali," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I need your advice. It's about Courtney."

Sonali regarded him with a knowing gaze, her eyes reflecting the weight of his burden. "Sit, Nikolai. Let us talk."

As they settled into a quiet corner, Nikolai recounted the conversation with Jasper, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He spoke of Edward's counsel, of the choice between granting Courtney a mortal life or eternal existence as a vampire.

Sonali listened intently; her expression thoughtful as she absorbed his words. When Nikolai fell silent, a heavy silence hung between them, pregnant with the weight of his dilemma.

"Nikolai," Sonali began, her voice gentle yet resolute, "this decision is not one to be made lightly. Turning Courtney into a vampire would bind her to a life of immortality, a path fraught with its own trials and tribulations. But to deny her that choice, to condemn her to a mortal existence without fully understanding the consequences... that, too, is a burden you must consider."

Nikolai nodded, his mind whirling with the gravity of Sonali's words. He knew the enormity of the decision before him, the ripple effects of which would reverberate through both their lives for eternity.

"Ultimately, Nikolai," Sonali continued, her voice a soothing balm to his troubled soul, "the choice must be Courtney's to make. You can guide her, support her, but in the end, it is her path to walk."

With Sonali's guidance, Nikolai felt a semblance of clarity begin to dawn. Though the decision remained daunting, he knew that whatever path Courtney chose, he would stand by her side, unwavering in his devotion.

As he left Sonali's presence, Nikolai's heart felt lighter, the burden of indecision eased by her wisdom. With renewed determination, he resolved to confront Courtney, to lay bare the weight of his dilemma and trust in their love to see them through.

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