1 | I Don't Hate Christmas

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I don't hate Christmas. Not really. But there are some things I could do without. Like shopping. Because shopping the week before Christmas should be illegal. 

"I can't believe this place," I mumble under my breath. "Decorations everywhere and stuffed to the brim with people. On a Tuesday afternoon!" The bright lights of the Christmas tree sparkle from the open concourse of the mall and a large white reindeer looms overhead. 

"I can hear you," Elodie chimes in before returning to humming whatever tune is playing through the speakers. It sounds like a remake of something older than my grandpa is being played on a cello. Or maybe a double bass. I stop in the middle of the mall and close my eyes, trying to figure it out. 

"Keep up, will you?" Elodie pulls me by my hand to rescue me from the clutches of oncoming stroller traffic. And a good thing, too, those mom's can be deadly when they have places to be. And getting hit by a stroller hurts more than a person would think. 

"I'm trying," I whine, trailing behind Elodie as she drags me by my hand past a large Christmas castle glistening with so many lights I have to close my eyes. "But you're going too fast." 

"Julie, I love you. But I have a baby strapped to my chest and I'm walking faster than you." 

I almost crashed into a santa collecting spare change for the food bank. "But you are also three years younger, which cancels out the baby." 

"Two and a half." 

"Fine, two and a half. And you never let me forget it. Can we please sit? I have to check my lists before we go back into that crowd." 

The jingle of bells from the local children's chorus ring through the air and the bench groans under the weight of our bags as we sit down. 

"Hey! No peeking, Amelia!" I poke my niece's nose and she cuddles into Elodie's chest, giggling. 

"You do know she can't read, right?" 

"She's your daughter, El. I'm sure she'll pick it up in no time." 

I busy myself scribbling out the people whose gifts I have already purchased, trying to tune out the bustle of the mall all around me and focus on the task at hand, but there is too much going on. El puts her hand on my shoulder, but says nothing. The smell of cinnamon rolls distracts me even after I have managed to escape the noise. But looking at my list tells me there won't be any cinnamon rolls in my near future. "Still seven people to buy for, including you two." 

"We don't need anything." 

Typical Elodie. 

"Maybe not. But you'll get something anyway." 

"Shall we?" 

I nod and stand up, threading my arm through hers and picking up my half of the bags that had spilled out into the hallway as we sat. 

We walk in silence for a few stores, Amelia's giggling and the Children's Chorus bells notwithstanding. 

Elodie slows to a stop in front of a very fragrant candle store. "I know you don't want to talk about it, Jules, but--"

"No. You're right. I don't want to talk about it." 

"But last Christmas you--"

"El. I love you, but I don't want to talk about it." 

"Fine. But only because I love you and you're already suffering through a loud mall. Don't think you're off the hook once we get home."

I ignore her, hoping she will indeed forget by the time we get home. Maybe the baby will distract her. 

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