"You and me both, lightning boy,"

The group turned to see Speedrick gag as he made his way to them. Pickle growled.

"What do you want, Rick?"

"To go AWAY from the mud." Speedrick hissed. "but I can't since I'm not leaving myself in an empty city."

"Aww, come on, Rick, you're just being squirmy," Pickle rolled his eyes. "All Monster Machines love mud. Crusher likes it as long as he doesn't see the germs inside it,"

"Not me, I can't stand mud! I mean, LOOK!" Speedrick pointed at the muddy ground. "Yuck!! Look at all this mud, it's disgusting!"

"That's just because you've never tried playing in the mud before, rich boi," Stripes chuckled.

"Yeah!" Starla agreed. "I bet you'd like it if you did!"

"We can even blow mud bubbles!" Darington giggled.

He took out a stick with a hoop before blowing on it, making bubbles. One of the bubble floated towards Speedrick and popped in his face. He winced with another gag.

"Ick!! No thanks!"

"What about... muddy duckies?" Zeg suggested, pointing to the muddy ducks nearby.

"Eww!! Never!" Speedrick shook his head and moved away from it.

"How about you wear a mud hat?" Pickle grinned and threw one on the white truck's head.

"Eeyuck!!! That's disgusting!" Speedrick threw it over his shoulder.

Pickle gritted his teeth. He glanced at the ball in Gabby's hands and grinned. He asked for it, and once he had it, he held it out to the white truck.

"Hey, look! A ball with mud on it!"


Speedrick gagged as he whacked the ball, far away into the forest. The group gasped.

"Hey! Our ball!" Darington cried.

"Aww, we needed that!" Stripes growled.

"Ugh... Speedrick!" Zeg snarled.

"Don't worry, guys, Crusher, AJ and I can get the ball back," Blaze offered, with his brothers nodding in agreement.

"Ooh, ooh! And SPEEDRICK will help you," Pickle grinned with a glare at the white truck. "because HE is the one who knocked it away. Right, Rick?"

"WHAT?!" Speedrick gagged. "Do I HAVE to?!"

"Yes, you do," Crusher gave a nod.

"Oh, all right..." Speedrick groaned.

"Great!" Blaze beamed as AJ got on him. "Well then, follow us!"

Speedrick sighed as the duo led them through the forest. He perked up and smirked, however, when he noticed Crusher beside him.


"Yeah, nope," Crusher chuckled and zipped off. "Try to catch up, if you can, Speedrick!"

Speedrick sighed and drove after them. They headed through the forest, with Blaze, AJ and Crusher enjoying their drive while Speedrick tried his hardest to avoid the mud. Soon, they were deep in the forest, and the white truck began to grow tired.

"Timeout... timeout..." he panted with a sigh.

"Hmm..." Blaze looked around as AJ got off. "Our ball must've bounced over here somewhere,"

"I'll head up to get a closer look," Crusher pressed a button, causing his invention stretch up, over the trees.

"Lightning boy~ Let me up there with you!" Speedrick pleaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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