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"Here I GO!" Blaze cried as he and AJ stood at the top of two lane mud slides.

"Wait for me!"

AJ laughed before they both jumped down. They slid down the muddy slides, cheering as they did so.



"Whoa! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha, yeah!"

"Hang on!"


They soon reached the end of the slide. They cheered again as they landed in the huge pool of mud with a big splash.

"YEAH-HEH!" Blaze laughed as they got out of the mud.

"That was definitely our muddiest splash yet!" AJ giggled.

"Oh, yeah?" Blaze grinned. "Well, how about this?!"

He shook himself, causing mud to fly everywhere. AJ laughed, trying to defend himself as the mud was sent towards him.

"Ha ha ha! Good one, Blaze!"

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Crush!" Blaze greeted and turned to see their older brother on top of some machine with a flat surface and wheels bigger than his. "Uhm... is that a new invention?"

"Yep!" Crusher nodded. "It's the mud protector! It even comes with a mud-proof tank!" He pressed a button, and a tank covered him inside. "Ta-da! Safe and sound!"

"Crusher, are you STILL not liking mud?" AJ chuckled.

"Nope, definitely NOT!" Crusher shuddered. "Have you SEEN mud under a microscope?! Yuck! So many germs that you'd get sick! Also, here," He pressed a button, causing a bottle of alcohol to be handed out with a mechanical hand. "use THIS before you eat, please,"

"Okay, okay, we will," Blaze giggled and took and kept the alcohol. "So, you still joining us for Mudfest? I mean, look!" He pointed over to Starla, Darington, Zeg, Stripes, Pickle, and Gabby playing in the mud, along with other trucks. "Check it out! All our friends are here for a giant mud party! There are mud slides, mud games, and even a mud mountain!"

"Hihi, don't worry, you two, I'm joining, I'm joining," Crusher laughed. "That's the purpose of this invention. I'd still have fun with my friends and brothers while staying completely clean!"

"Aww, that's a great idea, Crusher!" Blaze beamed.

"Hey, Blaze! AJ! Crusher!" The brothers turned to see Gabby run towards them, muddy and holding a ball. "You guys wanna play Mud Ball with us?"

"Sure!" Blaze nodded.

"Yeah!" AJ agreed too.

"Great!" Gabby beamed before noticing the invention. "Uh, Crusher, what's with the machine?"

"Let's just say... I'm NEVER looking at mud through a telescope ever again," Crusher shuddered. "but I'm not gonna let my germaphobia stop me from having fun at Mudfest with favorite brothers!"

"Crush, we're your ONLY brothers!" AJ laughed.

They all let out a laugh as they headed over to their friends. Pickle greeted them with a wave.

"Heya, guys!" he splattered on the mud with a laugh. "Look at all this MUD!!"

"Yep, I see it," Crusher chuckled.

"Aww, come on, Crusher, still germaphobic?" Pickle raised an eyebrow at the machine. "All Monster Machines love mud!"

"I do love it... IF it stays far, FAR away from me," Crusher shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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