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Note: Now, for some Blazington and Crickle scenes (hopefully lmao)

"Darington! Darington! Darington! Darington! Darington!"

The crowd cheered for the stunt truck's name as the Monster Dome was filled and lit up in excitement. An elite stunt track was lit up at the center of the dome, full of loops and jumps only the brave would face.

At his pit, Darington was practicing wildly with a cheer while Blaze and Pickle pushed a trampoline over.

"So... what's the trampoline for again?" Pickle asked.

"In case Darry needs it," Blaze replied.

"Oh, it's 'Darry' now, not Darington?" AJ teased.

"Sh-Shut up! It's just a nickname!" Blaze defended, cheeks darkening in embarrassment as Pickle laughed.

"A nickname that you've been calling him since day 2 of our stay," Crusher giggled as he drove over with his surprisingly-large first aid kit on his back.

"What's with the first-aid, Crush?" AJ questioned.

"Gabby's busy in her garage today, so she told me to watch out for Darington in case something happens," Crusher shrugged and set the first-aid kit down before eyeing the trampoline. "Okay, that trampoline isn't gonna be safe enough for him,"

"What makes you say that, big bro?" Blaze wondered.

"DARINGTOOOOOOOON!!!!!" The four turned to see Darington jump out of his pit and head over to the trampoline, jumping off of it before landing into a box of styrofoam head-first.

"Darry!" Blaze zoomed over to him. "You okay?"

"Pa-tooie!" Darington popped his head out and spat out some styrofoam. "Almost a perfect landing!"

The group laughed with him as the red truck helped the stunt truck out of the box. Darington spat out more styrofoam as his tires met the ground once more.

"Oh-ho-ho, thanks, B!" he beamed.

"Ooh, they have nicknames for each other!" Pickle whispered to the dark blue truck with a squeal.

"I know, right?" Crusher giggled.

AJ noticed this and held in his own laughter as he got off the driver seat and turned to the stunt truck. "So, Darington, are you ready to do your biggest trick ever?"

"You bet I am!" Darington nodded eagerly. "I've been waiting my whole life for... STUNTMANIAAAAA!!!!!"

He motioned to the track, and everyone gasped as they saw it's size and the amount of loops and jumps of the track.

"Woah..." Crusher chuckled nervously. "Now THAT'S what you call a safety hazard,"

"Stuntmania has the biggest stunt track ever built!" Blaze squealed. "It's a super track!"

"No one's ever ridden the super track before, until now!" Darington let out a cheer. "I'm gonna be the first Monster Machine in history to race through all those loops and jumps!"

Suddenly the lights dimmed. The stunt truck excitely grinned.

"It's showtiiiiiiime!!!" he cheered, seperating from the group. "Gotta go!"

"Good luck, Darry!" Blaze said with a grin and a wave.

"And be careful!" Crusher added before sighing. "Why do I even bother? This is a stunt, for crying out loud..."

"Ladies and gentletrucks," Bump spoke as he stood on the podium "put your tires together for the star of Stuntmania: the one, the only...DARINGTON!"

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