Chapter Two

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The bell rung throughout the Junior High. Izuku packed up his things and exited the restroom. As Izuku made his way to class he was getting a few curious looks. He figured it was because of his burnt uniform and bandage. Izuku covered it with his other hand.

As Izuku neared his classroom he was tripped. He face planted  into the ground, and the tardy bell rung. His teacher shut the door, paying no attention to the boy laying on the floor. Almost as if he wasn't there. Midoriya let out a sigh as he got up and dusted himself off. 'Well, let's go get that tardy slip.'

-Time Skip-

Izuku's pencil's rhythm was all that anybody could here the entire lesson. He was vigorously writing down notes. His teacher took note of this. "I presume this time your notes are about this class, right Midoriya?" His teacher asked. Midoriya continued writing, not paying any attention to what his teacher had said. "Midoriya." His teacher called. Izuku didn't give him the time of day. "Midoriya." His teacher called a little more stern this time. Yet, Izuku was still writing. His teacher inhaled before shouting, "MIDORIYA!"

Izuku's attention shot from his notebook to his teacher. "If your going to take notes at least take notes on what this lesson is about." His teacher stated sternly. Izuku sighed. "Yes sensei."

Midoriya's teacher turned his attention back to his lesson as Izuku continued to write down notes about different types of quirks he's encountered. He would've liked to continue his notes on Katsuki, but he had already finished them. There was really nothing new to him about Katsuki to write down. As creepy as it sounds, Izuku has everything he knows about Katsuki written down on at least 4 pages, and even made sure to included even uninteresting things about the blonde.

As Izuku was flipping through his pages (filled with everybody in his class and possibly some other students.) the bell rang and everybody left, except somebody who viciously grabbed Izuku's note book and started flipping through the pages. "Hey!" Izuku shouted while turning around and locking eyes with a blonde hot-head. "What?!" Katsuki shouted. "Nothing."Izuku mumbled, but it was unheard.

Katsuki stopped flipping when a page caught his eye. It read, "Katsuki Bakugou. Quirk: Explosions"

Just then one of Katsuki's friends reentered the room. He hung his arm around Katsuki's neck and looked over the blonde's shoulder. He suppressed a laugh as Katsuki turned the next pages that were also about him. "Awe, looks like the little man has a crush on you!" Katsuki whipped his head around and gave him a death stare. The tall man let go of Katsuki and ran out of the room. His ruby eyes then trailed back over to Izuku, who was a sweating mess. "Uh, c-could I please have my j-journal back?" Izuku asked. Katsuki grunted, and threw it back at him. Katsuki put his arms behind his head, turned on his heel and started walking. Katsuki stopped when he got to the door, and side eyed Izuku. "If I see you writing in that silly book again...I'll destroy it." Katsuki then continued walking to his next class.

-Last class of the day-

Izuku's teacher was talking about Katsuki and the other's wanting to go to UA, and of course Katsuki was bragging about how he was the best. Izuku was writing in his journal just praying that they teacher didn't say anything. "Oh yeah Midoriya, didn't you sign up for UA too?"

Izuku hid in his arms. While the entire class froze. After a moment the entire class minus Izuku and Katsuki were laughing maniacally. Izuku looked down in shame. They mocked him, "Midoriya?" "Isn't he the quirkless loser?" "Ha! Maybe try to be a police officer." "There's no way you're getting into the hero course without a quirk!"

Izuku stood his ground, "Actually they got rid of that rule! Uh...I-I could be the first one!"

Katsuki slammed his hand down on Izuku's desk using his
quirk. Izuku flew back, landing on his bottom. "Listen up Deku. You're even worse then the rest of these damn rejects, you quirkless wannabe. You really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me?" Katsuki shouted. Izuku protested, "N-No! Wait! Y-you've got it all wrong. Really! I'm not trying to compete against you." Izuku scooted away till his hit the back wall, "You gotta believe me!"

Izuku looked down and fiddles with his fingers. "It's just that I've wanted to be a hero since I was little. I may not have a quirk...but I can still try my hardest, can't I?"

"YOU'D NEVER BE ABLE TO HANG WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST! YOU'D DIE IN THE EXAMS!" Katsuki shouted. Izuku looked grim. "Defenseless Izuku...this school's already crap, do you really want to embarrass it more by failing so hard?"


The bell rung out. All of the students exited the classroom...all except 4. Izuku was putting his things into his bag when a hand snatched his notebook from his own. His eyes met with ruby once's as he looked up. "G-give it back." Izuku stuttered more than ordered. Katsuki then used his explosions to burn the book. "Uahhhhhh!" Izuku cried. "T-that's so m-mean." He muttered. Katsuki then tossed it out of the window as Izuku continued to scream. Katsuki carried on boasting about himself. Izuku was shaking profusely.

Katsuki placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder, causing Izuku to advert his attention and shake more. "Here's a little word of advice, Nerd." Kastuki smirked. "Don't even think of applying...or else." Izuku looked up from his shoulder. Katsuki let go and started walking away with his friends.

"That's just sad" The dark haired friend said. "I thought you'd at least have some fight in you."

"He finally gets it, he'll never be a hero." The brunette replied. "Better to find out now instead of later I guess."

Katsuki stopped at the door. He turned his head. "Heh, you know if you really wanna be a hero that badly, there actually might be another way."

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life...and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

Katsuki flashed his quirk when Izuku showed a sign of hostility, but Izuku quickly backed down. Katsuki turned and walked out of the classroom.

Izuku was left with himself, and his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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