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Beam POV

"Are you two dating?"

I just got down from the motorcycle when Krysta greeted us with that question. She alternated in looking at me and Forth, who was still seated on the same motorcycle. I pondered for a moment if I should put my backpack on or hit her smiling face with it.

I turned to Forth and let him answer the inquiry. Because if I were the one to do it, my whole litany will be longer the trip around the world. It will start with some good old badmouthing and will end with even more glorious cursing.

"We just broke up," Forth just said and laughed before facing me. "What time will you come to my apartment?" He asked me which made Krysta's eyes widen. It was obvious that she thought of something nefarious.

I reconsidered hitting Krysta with my backpack. She should be thankful that it held my laptop and I don't plan to sacrifice my bread and butter just to erase her malicious grin.  

Krysta and I are both concept developers for a small film production. We have a meeting with an indie film director that day.

"I'll call you later," I answered because I was not really sure if how long will our meeting last. It will be our first time that we're going to work with this newbie director so we're not sure on how things are with him.

That morning, Forth dropped by my house to invite me to jog. He arrived in his motorcycle which he left there one we went to the provincial capitol where we usually jogs. He also ate breakfast with me when he saw the bistek I was cooking for myself. It was his favorite after all. 

When he learned that I have a meeting in the next town, he was the one who offered to take me there to save on fare payment

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When he learned that I have a meeting in the next town, he was the one who offered to take me there to save on fare payment. He said it was his payment for the delicious breakfast. I just accepted his proposal. It was a Saturday and he had no classes in the university where he works as a lecturer.

"Alright. Should I fetch you later?" He inquired again. 

Forth just asked that when Lance, another workmate, parked his motorcycle beside us and he heard the question that was thrown at me. "Uy! Such a maiden! Will be fetched by a knight in shining motorcycle!", commented Lance with a teasing grin.

"Are you guys a couple?" He probed more while looking at me. Ugh! I really want to tie Krysta and him together!

"Break na kami!" Forth and I said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed out loud then made a fist bump.

I told Forth that I'll just call him later if I need him. He just nodded and started his engine. When Forth sped off, I went inside the coffee shop first and ignored Krysta and Lance's meaningful stares.

Compared to Forth, I've been friends with the Minions of Darkness longer. And if ever there would be a ranking for people who're excited for me to crossover to the other side of the fence, they're the top two spots.

 Lance is an openly gay man though you won't see that in his movements alone. Meanwhile, Krysta is bisexual. Because they're both singles, they're hounding the my closeness with Forth which I don't understand at all.

"So that we'll all drown in the sea of fire and brimstone!" They both exclaimed in jest when I asked them about it.

"I can swim," I answered then and never opened it again. I knew that no matter what I say, they will still be able to put a different spin on my words.

Thinking about it, Forth and I are not always together. At most, we see each other a couple of times each month because of the nature of our works. He's busy teaching during weekdays while I spend my weekends sleeping all day if I can. Literally, it's the bed and bathroom life for me when I'm at home.

That said, when you go to our Facebook pages, we talk practically everyday and Krysta and Lance knew about it. Instead of using Messenger, our discussion always end up in the comment box. This, plus the fact that Forth always tags me in his posts and I do the same to him. 

So it's really not rocket science if there are people who are wondering if we have a thing or not. Krysta and Lance again holding the top spots. I really don't mind because I knew for certain what our relationship was. But of course, there are times that I get irritated with those two stooges' teasing. They always make something out of nothing between Forth and me.

"Why are you going to his house this evening" Krysta ask me even before we were able to get seats. Lance quickly peaked his interest. We were the first ones there so Krysta surely planned to put me on a hotseat.

"We'll scratch each other's itches. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" I countered sarcastically. I took the liberty to bring the conversation there directly because I'm sure that's the end point of all this. Think of it like a shortcut of sorts so we can end this conversation quickly. "And besides, can you please not bother me with all your farce! Both of you! Are you not tired of making an issue out of Forth and me?"

"YIEEEEEEEEEE, give this to us Beam! We only get kilig from you guys eh." Krysta answered which Lance agreed. I was speechless.

Since time immemorial, they both knew that I am open-minded in any kind of lifestyle. It's the reason why we three became close aside from the fact that I'm a vocal supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community.

In my point of view, no one has the right to tell who you can love. Everyone has the right to live their life the way they see fit and that includes the liberty to choose who they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

Besides, in the industry that I am a part of, it's normal to have that kind of relations. I got used to it, I guess.

It's probably the reason why they always ask if I went over the fence whenever they see me with a guy, most especially since I haven't got a girlfriend since three years. It's as if it's a big thing for these two stooges for me to come out of the closet. I usually just laugh at their antics.

But the case with Forth is different.

The two perceived that I was not in the mood to have a discussion about my relationship with Forth and they kept mum for a moment. They're testing the waters if they can still ask more about it. But even if I want to entertain the idea that Forth and I will be couple, there's no hope of it. First, he's a born-again Christian. Second, though he's not against the LGBTQIA+ community, he doesn't support it either.

"I don't hate the person, just the act." That's the line that he always say to me when we're talking about it.

But the biggest reason why we can't be together is the fact that he already has a wife. Cecilia is abroad working, that's why they're not living together. 

If we're talking about looks, Forth is definitely handsome. He's taller than me. The best description of tall, dark, and handsome. His defining feature is probably his gummy smile. As described by Lance, he's what you call a panties dissolving guy, whatever that means. 

He's also quite intelligent. It was the reason why we became friends despite our difference in ideologies. Call me conceited but I really don't have the patience to speak with feeble-minded people. And I only consider people as a friend if they we can have at bare minimum 4 hours of non-stop conversation. 

T/N: Me too Beam. I have no patience for stupidity.

That's what I liked about Forth. He can level with me in those kind of conversations.  Especially when we talk about religion, he's unlike any other Christians whose only reason for everything is: "That's what's written in the Bible". 

We also share the love of watching movies and reading. He appreciates good writing like me so we really have a lot of things in common.

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