The Boy Who Cried Beast | ✓

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As Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, Everette Blackwood is required to find her mate. She's not too sold on the idea of needing a man at her side. 

When she stumbles across him in the middle of the night, chained to a tree, she just might do anything to keep him safe.

But when he aims a gun full of silver bullets at her head, she wants nothing more than to tie his ass back to the tree.

This mysterious mate of hers, however, isn't what he seems with secrets buried in her parents' past that may threaten her position as Alpha.

If that wasn't enough, the rogues are acting out. They're multiplying daily, attacking the pack constantly and preparing to overthrow the female Alpha.

A war is brewing.

One that is bigger than anything her pack has ever dealt with before.

One that might end the Blood Moon pack forever.

But would she survive her mate before the war?

Status: Completed


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