Qrow: I don't have to listen to a goddam thing!

He snapped before relaxing himself down.

Qrow: It would be best if you would just go now.

Y/n didn't felt the need to argue right now but it obvious that Qrow didn't see any of this through. So now, it would be best that he would go before the situation somehow gets worst. Now exited the holding cell, he just need to talk with a few others.

Carson: Any luck that you've got it with Qrow?

Y/n: No such luck. He just can't believe that we are making the right choice here. He just see us abandoning mantle as if we have any other choice. By doing so, we are saving more lives like this and he is just failing to see it.

Carson: I wish that it wasn't this way. I wish that there is another way for this but this is far by the right decision here. And to make matters a lot worse I'm sure that there will be Grimm coming really soon and we can't have that on our hands. The Aceops will be waiting for you.

Now with the Aceops, Y/n got right beside them.

Y/n: So our top priority is finding Penny and getting her over to Atlas. But the problem is that she won't leave her friends behind.... Especially that of Ruby.

Vine: Is there anyway of tracking her?

Harriet: Yeah, it would be a good idea of where those little brats might be.

Y/n: Now isn't the time to get so picky. Because therefore, you're only good enough to make matters a whole lot worse than it should be right now. 

Harriet: Maybe, I want to get in a fight right now. Since you got all soft and let those little runts get away. You don't belong here with us!

Marrow: Hare, what the hell?!

Ironwood: That's enough!

He raises up his hand so that the others could be able to silent down.

Ironwood: Harriet, I know you're about following orders and doing what must be done. But Y/n chose to stay here on out side. He sacrifice staying with his team to support us. So I really need you lay off of him. Is that clear?

Harriet: Yeah sir.

Ironwood: Good.

Y/n: Now, James, I think it may be a good idea that we talk. About how we are handling this and the how the way things are going. I'm sure you are doing everything in your powers so that people could be safe. But they just don't understand. And I'm sorry about the way how Qrow has been acting. He just doesn't see things through.

Ironwood: Thank you, for staying right next to me. It's good to have someone to have trust in.

Y/n:  Things don't have to be the way how they are right now. We could still work something out with them.

Ironwood: So what do you suggest that we do?

Y/n: You could get me to talk with Ruby? With Penny. I need to be one to do this because it's the only way that they will listen. Can you please let me talk to them?

Ironwood: Are you sure that they will listen?

Y/n: I know Ruby, she could be naive sometimes but I just think that I will be able to get through with her.

Ironwood: Okay.

He trusted that you will be able to talk things out with Ruby. You pulled out your scroll and began to call her. You hope that she will be able to pick up.

Back in mantle.

Ruby heard her scroll ringing and she saw that it was you. She was hesitant at first but she really want to speak with you. After delays of answering, she finally pick up her scroll.

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