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And when he currently mentioned that we should start investigating over the Western Woods. I sarcastically remarked that it was the most bizarre idea I had ever heard.

But to my own surprise; I reluctantly agreed to help with the plan.

"You shouldn't be pressuring yourself."

His smooth voice jolted me back to the present, and with a luminous smile that was twitched in my bottom lips. I slowly nodded my head. Apparently, I felt his sharp brown eyes giving me quick glances from the back, as his horse let out a loud sniff when we overcame at a very narrow alley.

I reached out my hand over the tangles of my hair which seemed to look like a thicker webs of a spider in the darker shadows of the tall, wild oak trees and which was barely ever covered with any leaves.

The horse which I had been riding all along the way back here; let out a sudden, incongruous whinny noises like never before.

By the sudden noise, Mr Crane turned around his head again with a questioning eyes.

"What was it?" He suddenly questioned while stopping his horse immediately with a light halt. A concerning expression formed in his face.

I sighed at his question, and shrugged my shoulders while trying to force the horse to calm a little bit, by petting it over,

"What happened, Arion?"

I called out the horse's name while slipping down in the ground with a perfect landing. It snorted, and sniffed, and groaned; the perfect beady, black eyes seemed to look a little bit off and more unfocused than before.

I frowned upon the sudden manner of it. My eyes swiftly met with Mr Crane's. But to my obvious point, he seemed to look well equipped with the usual book he used to carry every day. A larger frown was appearing in his face.

"Maybe, he saw something indifferent in here." Suggested a very curious Young Masbath, the shabby tool bags clinged with an obvious noice were well equipped in the side torso of the beautiful mare he was riding.

I let go of my hand from the horse as it started to act in a more panicking mode.

"Strange," I mumbled while trying to clam him down,

"Arion had never acted like this before . . ." I murmured to myself, as I noticed from the corner of my eyes, for Mr Crane lightly swivel from his own horse and plodded over the terrified creature.

"Why could it be doing such a manner, right then?" He asked curiously, when he reached over my side.

"Formost, the other two horses seems as calm as if nothing ever happened." I admitted with a growing anxiety.

"Maybe, it's just that he really did not wanted to come here."

"How could that be possible?"

"Maybe that is possible."

After a light pause, he continued.

"Did you came here with this horse before, or perhaps - ?"


"Or something inappropriate has been running around these areas?"

"Well, inappropriate-"

My eyebrows furrowed in a straight line, as a shadow of glower formed in my face. I pursed my lips menacingly over the useless questions.

"No, I haven't even entered this area of the woods for more than ages." I forewarned instead of giving the first answer, as the more I was making loud noises the poor horse was starting to sniff the air even more loudly.

"Well, apologise. It was just made for a joke."

Mr Crane estimated after a brief pause.

He started playing with his usual messy hair with a slight gleam of a smile, but the smile immediately vanished when his eyes upturned out into an icy cold gaze; he ignored my concerned glance over him, and looked straight forward.

Something about the situation made me understand that he was really- not joking.

"Ah! Well, I guess I know why the poor horse is acting in such a way," Young Masbath called out from a distance, as he pointed forward.

Feigning disinterest in each other's company, I along with Mr Crane turned our head to the place he was pointing over.

The site immediately clasped me into a state of shock.

I gasped with surprisement when I saw in a distance.

A Large, menacing cave. Which didn't even looked like one of it. It seemed to look unnoticed for any of the passersby, because of the huge rocks kept in the side, just like a pillar was inhuman for anyone to casually carry the giant rocks
It looked like an empty space with a solid object around it - Probably who would even do that?

The shabby trees cascaded a dark rays of shadows around it.

"We should get going over the cave,"

"What? Are you REALLY saying that?" I bursted out with a sudden temper.

It got me nonplussed with his sudden suggestion, and suddenly loosing my patience was a really rare site to see; "What could we even find anything in a hollow like this? I am not even understanding, why are we even here?"  I whined in absolute vexation.

He didn't react much over me, neither argued in any matter; he just completely ignored me. Mr Crane sighed with a little disinterest, as I watched with sheer annoyance at him,  he swiftly took a sit over his horse.

"Please, cooperate with us." He said softly.



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