Chapter 6: A Rotten Tomato in the Basket

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Avyanna's POV:

The stressful and exiting day has finally came and I'm getting ready para mamaya.

I'm here na sa office waiting for the cue for me to enter the meeting room. I'm playing some games in my cellphone to lessen my boredom here. Malapit ko ng mapatay yung kalaban ko ng biglang may kumatok sa pinto at nagsabi na ready na raw ang meeting namin and all of the board members and some directors sa mga departments here.

As I opened the door, they greeted me while they're standing to show their respect to me. I motioned my hand to their seat and they understand it as they go back from sitting there.

I walked through my own seat and motioned my hand again as a gesture for Ashley to start the presentation made by Dave.

As the video presentation started, I gaze my eyes around to see their curios faces on what's going on here.

/Perez Group of Companies/

"Who is the Rotten Tomato/es in the Basket?"

"You know to yourself who you are. I bet you're now shivering from fear"

"Do you like my present from you weeks ago? How is your bussiness in your hometown doing?"

"Does it feel good being on the top and suddenly landing to the bottom where no one could start again?"

As the video presentation playing nonstop, I could see some of them has a nervous face as they red the written sentences from what we are watching now.

"Don't underestimate me you rotten garbage 'cause no one can get away from the grip of my hands"

As the end of the presentation approach us, I stood up and started to gaze the one Rotten here. "What? You're gonna pretend as if nothing happened, Mr. Cortez?"

He look back at me and play the innocent card he has. "I don't know what you're talking about Ms. A" he denied to me as I lend my hand to my right side where Arben is standing at.

He gave me a curios look as I bring out the papers in the envelope. I slam the evidence to his face as the others were shocked from what they're seeing right now.

What I hate the most is betraying me in my own territory. I could see a glimpse of fear in his eyes but I ignored it and give my full attention to others.

"Ms. A you ha--" as soon as my assistant knocked at the door and spoke, I cut her off by raising my hand as I face these living creatures in front of me.

"What I hate the most is stabbing me behind my back!" I roared to the four corners in the meeting room, they flinched as they heard me but who cares anyway.

"Don't play with me Mr. Cortez or you might want to see hell! Do you think I wouldn't know? Your embezzlement with my company?! In my own freaking territory?!" I didn't let him have a chance to defend himself.

"You're fired, leave now!" anger now consumed me as I watch these members of mine started to stand from their seats while slightly shivering.

"Bring these rotten garbage away from my sight, bring the others na kasama niya and show them what's the consequences of their acts to me!" I commanded Ash and Arben who is standing near besides me. They bought Mr. Cortez and ang 3 pa niyang ka-kontiyaba sa ginawa nilang embezzlement in my company.

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