Chapter 19

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"Jungkook, are you okay?" Y/n asked as he dragged her to their room.

"I'm fine Y/n, I just missed you." He said stopping short. She crashed into his chest, his arms banned around her, before he bend her back, and dipped her.

When he pulled her back up she was breathless. "What was that for?" She asked. He smiled pressing his lips to hers. She smiled against his lips, he hadn't kissed her, not like this, since Soohyun had taken her.

"I need you, now." He groaned throwing open the door to their room. She giggled, he wasn't usually like this.

He bent, and threw her over his shoulder before tossing her onto the mattress and jumping on top of her. She squealed, propping herself up on her elbows. He smiled bending his head to kiss her again.

Things were moving a lot faster than Y/n had expected. It was like Jungkook's hands were glued to her body, they never left her soft skin as he explored her.

Slowly, his hands slid down her thighs and looped under the hem of her dress tugging it up her shapley legs. He left a trail of kisses up her right thigh then back down her left before traveling up her stomach as he inched her dress higher and higher up.

"Jungkook I-"

"I love you."

"But I-"


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