Chapter 2~

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She looked up at the magnificent building in awe, at least her stay in the city would be nice she sighed as she made her way inside.

"Hi I'd like a room please." She said to the man at the counter he nodded and began looking for a room when the phone on his desk rang.

"Oh, of course. Yes sir. Will do." He said before hanging up.

"Mam, I've been told to give you this room. I hope you enjoy."

He smiles before handing her a key card and asking if she needed help with the duffle she was carrying, but she refused.

She hopped in the shower as soon as she closed the door to the room.

When she was done she wrapped herself in the complimentary robe and then began looking through her duffle for pajamas. She had only packed enough clothes for a one night stay that she had hopped she wouldn't have to take.

As she continued to rummage through her bag, there was a knock on the door.

She jumped and ran to the side of the door before asking who is was. She had no clue who would be knocking on the door, nobody, asides from her step mom knew she was here and the fact that she was still dripping wet in a robe made the idea of Simeón at the door freighting to her.

"Y/n, its me, Jungkook, Jeon jungkook"

She was very confused as to why he would be visiting her but swallowed her fear and open the door a little to see what he wanted.

He smiled down at her, and noticed the towel on her head and the thin robe she had on her body.

What a compromising position, he thought to himself, but knew not to act on his urges, not with this one, she was different, he could just tell.

"May I come in?" He asks innocently, while she was still standing behind the door.

"Uh, Mr Jeon this isn't the best time I-" instead he just pushed his way in and closed the door behind him, unable to stop himself.

Y/n had never been this nervous around a man in her life.

"Mr. Jeon, what are you doing here? I'm confused?" She mumbled clutching her robe tighter.

"I wanted to make sure you were enjoying your stay, and ask if you would accompany me tonight to a function that I must attend."

"Are you serious, me?" She asked confused.

"yes, well, I don't see the problem in having a pretty girl on my arm, plus we might as well get acquainted." He shrugged.

"um, I'm sorry Mr.Jeon- "

"call me Jungkook." He insisted.

"I don't have a dress."

"Figured that." He said opening up the door,

"I got you one." He said with a smile as she looked at him in awe.

"uh, o-okay." She stammered before thanking him for the dress and walking into the bathroom.

It was sort if creepy yet intriguing that he was able to figure out her size. She was surprised by his persistence and slightly flattered.

Growing up, she really didn't get much attention from boys. Everyone was scared of her father, who pretty much kept her locked up within the confines of his estate.

She emerged five minutes later with the dress on and her hair almost dry.

"I just need ten minutes" she said before blow drying her hair.

When she was done she pinned her hair up and applied some mascara and ChapStick, that being all she had with her. This was supposed to be a quick business trip not a luxury excursion.

She reemerged from the bathroom looking impossibility more stunning than before.

"Okay" she said clapping her hands together as she pulled on a pair of black pumps on that went with the dress though she knew the dress was way too expensive for the rest of her outfit.

Then the two of them were off.

"You look stunning by the way." He stated as the elevator closed,

"thanks, you look pretty good yourself " she blushed before he entwined his fingers with hers and lead her into a crowded ball room.

Was he holding her hand? She could not believe how forward and care free he seemed to be. They had just met and he was parading her around as if she were his girlfriend. Maybe she was reading too much into this she thought as she allowed him to show her around.

This important function was at the hotel interesting... No wonder he gave her that card.

"Mr Jungkook!" Someone exclaimed.

"You've done a lovely job with this establishment."

This is his hotel? Y/n was surprised, after meeting him earlier today with his men behind him she was sure all of his business dealing were illegitimate. But this one, seemed to be legit.

The pair walked around exchanging greetings until a particular face caught Jungkook's attention, it was his father.

"Soohyun this is Y/n, Y/n Soohyn." Y/n had no idea why Jungkook introduced her to the man but smiled politely and shook his hand.

"Please go enjoy the party Y/n. I will find you in a bit."

Jungkook smiled placing his hand on the small of her back.

"Okay Mr. Je- I mean Jungkook." She corrected before walking off. He watched her closely already feeling protective of the beautiful woman.

"No." Is all his father said.

"No?" Jungkook asked annoyed.

"She is not right for you son. You will marry Buddy's daughter and align the families. Get rid of her."

His father scoffed and then walked away, Jungkook was furious he didn't want Buddy's daughter, a woman he had never met, the daughter of a coniving bastard that he wished he hadn't. He wanted Y/n.

Yet he knew his father was right, he couldn't have her, she wasn't right for this life and after tonight he would have to let her go.

But he figured he might as well enjoy the night with the beautiful woman that made him feel something that he hadn't felt in a really long time.


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