Chapter 12~

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"Help. Somebody please" She croacked. Her voice was hoarse and soft. She wanted to scream but nothing more than a whisper would come out.

"Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares."

"Just let me go. Please. I haven't seen your face. I won't say a thing just untie me."

The man stepped from the shadows, "now you have."

She gasped. She knew that face, he worked for Jungkook. Well, he worked for Soohyun, but Soohyun ranked below his son, which means that this man, Namjoon , if she remembered correctly worked for Jungkook.

"Namjoon ?" She squinted up at him.
He had trouble holding her gaze, she was just so sweet.

She had made them all cookies just the other day, and now he was here, watching her before Raf could get the job done, and pull the trigger.

"Jungkook. He." She paused. Her throat was on fire it hurt to speak. "He, will kill you."

"I know" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. She was confused.

If he knew what would happen to him, why was he doing this? What did he get out of it?

"Why?" She looked at him, her big Brown eyes pricing into his soil. "I have orders Y/n, it's nothing personal."

"From who?"

"Me." It took that one word for realization to sink in. Soohyun,Soohyun had done this. Soohyun wanted her dead. She remembered seeing Soohyun before, she hadn't placed his face until now, but she remembered he had visited her father many times.

She gasped, watching Jungkook's father walk towards her. She dropped her head not willing to looking into those beady eyes.

"Look at me girl." He growled snapping her head up, so his gaze met hers. "You should've stayed away."

Namjoon looked at Soohyun Confused. He knew about the initial hit. He was the one who made the call that tipped off Jung-min's men to her location, Soohyun was the reason Y/n had come back, but he kept his mouth shut. He liked Y/n, but his life was worth more to him than hers.

"I, I needed help." She rasped.

"I should've done a better job the first time. You've already got into my son's head. "

That's what this was about? Y/n didn't understand. What was so wrong with their relationship, was it that she wasn't  pure Korean? Was it her father? Was it her econic status? Why would Soohyun hate her so much, to want to kill her?

The truth was, at first Soohyun just didn't want Jungkook's head clouded. Especially by Jung-min's daughter, at first he was looking out for his son, until he realized what her death would do to Jungkook, then things changed

Soohyun, had gotten older, at 59 he stepped down, and made his son the boss, he didn't like being talked down to by his own son.

He wanted the power back, he craved the control. He knew Y/n's death would be all it took to put Jungkook over the edge, he would step down and give the reigns back to his father, then everything would be right again.

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