Chapter 14~

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"God dammit, it's been twenty four hours. Where is she?"

Nobody knew, they had been searching for her all night and all day.

Nothing, not a trace. Jungkook was losing it. He didn't eat he didn't sleep all he did was look for her, but he was losing faith.

Soohyun had disappeared. His disappearance hadn't been noticed by Jungkook who was so enraptured with Y/n at the moment, but Yoongi noticed, and he had a feeling.

"Boss, I'll be back."

"Fûck are you going?"

"I've got a lead. "

"Then I'm coming with you."

"Boss you're too unstable, just let me do this. I'll be back soon."

Yoongi ran from the complex and into the running car as fast as his aging legs could carry him, he knew if Y/n was still alive, there was only one place she could be.

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