Howzer Catch Up

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I know he's not a Bad Batch member but I'm doing him anyway, fight me. I'm forming a Howzer Protection Squad and anyone is welcome to join.

How you got your soulmate mark:

You were currently eating lunch in the break room at your job. You are a medic for the newly formed Empire and you were told you would be the personal medic of a captain. Which captain, you have yet to know. You were about halfway done with your sandwich when you felt something slide down your shoulder. To you, it felt like someone just stroked a single line of paint on your skin. You paid no mind but you knew you need to check it out later. Soon, you finished eating and threw away your trash before walking out of the break room. No one else was in the corridor with you, so you decided to see what was on your arm. You pulled up the sleeve and saw a teal colored stripe that ran down from your shoulder to your elbow. You thought it was weird that your mark would be a stripe of all things but you accepted it, nonetheless.

How you met:

You finished wrapping gauze around a soldier's arm where he got shot

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You finished wrapping gauze around a soldier's arm where he got shot. You set the roll down as you sent him a smile.

"Thank you, doc." said the soldier

"Just doing my job." You said.

You turned away and went to help another injured soldier. Just before you picked up a pair of tweezers, Grand Moff Tarkin walked in and everyone stood at attention, including you. He eyed everyone before standing straight and cleared his throat.

"As you may know, some of you have been selected to be the personal medic of certain high ranking individuals." He continued, "For those of you chosen, please follow me."

You and a few others stepped forward and followed the high ranking official out of the medbay. You were behind the group but still stayed close to not to get lost. Tarkin stopped in front of a door and raised his hand, signalling you to stop. The assigning has started.


You were the last one yet to be assigned and you were growing nervous. Soon enough, Tarkin stopped at a door that belonged to a captain since you were told you'd be assigned to one. He knocked once and a faint 'come in' was heard on the other side. The door opened and he walked in with you following behind.

"Captain Howzer, this is Dr. (L/n), your personal medic." Tarkin said.

He stepped aside to reveal you standing with your arms behind your back. You looked at the captain you'd be taking care of and saw that he is quite handsome. You quickly averted your eyes and blushed as you bit your bottom lip. You didn't notice, but the soldier in front of you also blushed at the sight of you.

"I'll leave you two to get acquainted with one another." Tarkin announced before he left.

The door closed after he left and you released a breath you didn't know you were holding. Captain Howzer cleared his throat to gain your attention and you looked at him, blushing more.

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