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We had put up our tent up at an river. I already had put Julian on an bed and did walk to the river to look if it is clean water. It was. I walked back to clean the wounds of Julian. Sarah was gathering some food.

'Hello Julian. Are you alright?' I asked with an low voice. 'Now that you are here, yes i am. But pls dont leave.' 'Alright i will stay here. Can i clean your wound?' 'Ok.' I grabbed an dishrag and begin to clean. He moaned a little bit (sorry if you have a dirty mind. And he moaned a bit just bc it hurts).

When i was cleaning the wound i saw something. Glass! I saw glass in the wound. 'Julian i'm so sorry that i have to hurt you. It need.' I tried to get it out. Julian begin to cry a bit. 'ssssshhhhhh. Everything is going well. If it hurts to much tell it.' I saw that it hurts. 'Is it okay if i pull it out really fast?' 'Y-y-yeah.' 'Okay three.... Two..... one.....' I pulled it out. Julian begin to scream really hard. And he cryed. I hugged him. 'SSSSSSSHHHHHHHH! Your doing so well. Everything is going to be okay.' He calmed down a bit.

On the time we hugged Sarah came back with food. 'Love birds that you are.' She said. But then she saw the glass and blood. 'I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way.' She is such an sweet girl.

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