“What do you say we work on getting Jasper a kick ass cast?” He said to Raven as she fell into step with him.

“I’ve been thinking about that. I’ve had a few ideas about how to make a good cast, but I want to run them by Clarke first.”

“Perfect. I’m going to make sure that Miller, Murphy, and my sister haven’t killed anybody yet. I’ll meet you back in the dropship in a few.”

“Sounds good.” They parted ways and Bellamy walked over to where there was a group gathered working on building a few cabins. It was hard and long work, but no one complained because they knew in the end it would be worth it. Bellamy took out his ax and began chopping wood. Miller nodded at him and the two continued to work in companionable silence. Bellamy took great comfort in the repetitiveness and the physical labor. That is until a huge crash sounded throughout the camp. Bellamy and Miller exchanged a quick look before sprinting to see what happened.

One of the logs for a wall had not been secured correctly and had fallen off and onto a few kids. Murphy and Miller got the log off of the kids and out of the way. Bellamy breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was seriously injured. They really couldn’t afford to have anyone else out of commission. It just looked like people were mostly bruised and scraped up a bit.

“Anyone hurt?” He asked just to make sure. The kids looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes, but all shook their heads no. They were shook up, but not hurt. “Okay, everybody take a break. Get some water and rest.” He watched as everyone slowly drifted away except Miller and Murphy. He walked over to them. “What exactly happened?”

“Someone got sloppy and forgot to secure the log correctly,” Murphy said, earning him a punch in the arm by Miller.

“They probably just went on autopilot. We’ve been building these for hours and it’s easy to get too comfortable doing the same job over and over.” Miller offered an explanation in a more diplomatic way.

“Okay, make sure that everyone is getting frequent breaks. And explain to everyone again how to put them together and emphasize the importance of doing it correctly.” Bellamy said, looking at Miller to indicate that he was the one who should be doing the talking.

“Bellamy!” The three boys turned at the sound of his name to see Octavia running towards him.

“O, what’s wrong?” He said quickly, eyes scanning her face. 

“It’s Clarke.” Octavia started, but put a hand to his chest when he immediately began moving. “She’s fine, but she heard the noise and freaked out and wanted to go see what happened. Raven and Monty had to hold her down so she would try to get up and rip all of her stitches.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Bellamy said and followed Octavia to the dropship. When they walked in he was greeted by a sight that made him simultaneously want to laugh and punch a wall in frustration. Raven was standing at the head of the table, both hands on Clarke’s shoulders and struggling to hold her down. Monty was thrown over Clarke’s legs, which were thrashing violently.

“Let me go! People could be hurt. Damn my side, I need to be out there!” Clarke yelled.

“Enough!” Bellamy yelled right back. Clarke stopped struggling immediately and Monty stepped back with a look of relief. Raven lessened the pressure, but still kept her hands on Clarke’s shoulders.

“Bellamy, what happened? Is anyone hurt?” Clarke asked hurriedly.

“Everyone is fine.” He looked around the room at the bystanders. “Everybody out, I need to talk to our dear doctor alone. Get Jasper on a stretcher and take him out into the fresh air.” They all burst into action, gladly following Bellamy’s instructions and glad to leave him to deal with the disgruntled Clarke.

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