Embun - Dew

65 9 11

Potongan-potongan embun

terhampar... terserak

lalu ia mati... tertiup sinar matahari

Kemudian ia bermetamorfosis jadi uap

Uap itu lalu berjalan di udara

Bertemu dengan teman-temannya

Bergandengan tangan membentuk awan

Awan itu semakin membesar seiring usia kandungannya

Lalu tiba saatnya awan itu harus melahirkan

Perihnya dan sakitnya awan, ditandai dengan teriakannya yang mengguntur

Lalu... lahirlah hujan

Hujan itu menari menuruni tangga angin

Berikan jidup pada bumi


Ia kembali... jadi sepotong


Pieces of dew

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Pieces of dew

Scattered... dipersed

Then it dies... blown by rays of sun

After that it morphs into vapour

Vapour takes a stroll in the air

Meet it's friends

Holding hands and forming a cloud

Cloud is getting bigger as the older her pregnancy is

Then it's time for cloud to give birth

The pain and the agony is marked by her thunderous cries

Then... rain is born

The rain is dancing down the wind stairs

Giving life to earth

The next day....

it's back... become a piece of


Aulia S.


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