Chapter 1

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“I wanna see you exist in real world.” I whispered in the thin air. I continued watching the episode.

“Oh my God! Heʼs so handsome!” I screamed when I saw him smile in the middle of a scene. I was just staring at the screen of my phone while I was watching my favorite character of the series.

Why am I still believing that he exist even if I know itʼs impossible to happen?

I watched and watched on the app tiktok. Uncontrollably scrolling through the screen to find something interesting. I was spending all my free time today because Iʼve already finished working on my school tasks and assignments. I can play online games too if I want to but this app is pulling me like it was some sort of hypnotism.

I looked at the time at the top of the cellphone screen and realized it was one oʼclock. Drowsiness was visiting me so I thought of doing it completely. I tapped on the gallery icon so I can finally watch the series I like the most.

“Iʼll watch an episode of the anime first and then Iʼll go to sleep.” the only thing I could say to myself.

While watching, I couldn’t help but scream and smile every time I saw Kuroo. Heʼs so handsome! And I couldn’t help but look at him. Even though he’s not the best player in the entire series, he’s still the one I like. I didn’t even know what I saw in him and I was so inlove with him. He is just a fictional character. He is not real, and will never be.

I was nearing the end of the episode I was watching when I was drowsy badly. I can no longer open my eyes properly. It is willing to turn a blind eye.

Iʼm disliked how I feel at the moment... Itʼs drowsiness. Why is it that now sleepiness visits... Argh! Itʼs just an episode! Itʼs only been a few minutes. Can I still do this? My goodness, itʼs like I canʼt open my eyes anymore.

I looked at the top of the screen again. I saw it was 1:32 in the morning. I had just finished watching so I turned off the cellphone and put it next to my pillow.

I arranged the pillow and wrapped my blanket around my body. When I closed my eyes, I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, I was in a court. To be specific, it was a volleyball court. Everyone is having fun, including me. But Iʼm just quiet in my seat. I cheer for him inside my mind. I remained as I am right now.

A few rounds later... Game after game. After playing, they looked exhausted but still handsome.

Suddenly, the girl beside me handed me an envelope. It was just small. She said, “Give this to their captain.”

My forehead furrowed as I looked at the envelope she was handing me. “Who are you?”

“Who I am doesnʼt matter.” she gave me a sweet smile. It looks weird to me, I donʼt even know her yet when she smiles at me as if we spent a lot of togetherness. “Isnʼt he your crush?” he pouted to point out the teamʼs captain. I looked without abruptly. I know who she is referring to but why would I follow her even if I like that person who she was referring to?

“Hand this to him.” she told me.

I just looked at her without emotion. “Whatʼs this? I donʼt even know who you are.”

“Letʼs say Iʼm a cupid wandering around the town. Youʼll thank me later. Just do what Iʼll tell you to do, as simple as that.”

I had no choice but to follow her wishes. I took the envelope and opened it. It contains money. I don’t want to hold money especially when it’s not mine.

“Uhm hey!” I shouted to their direction. Everyone on the team got their attention on me including Kuroo, the captain.

“It seems that sheʼs looking towards you.” His teammate told him.

I became nervous at this point. There are many guys and itʼs awkward as hell! What am I even doing? I even followed what that woman wanted! I just looked at their captain. We looked at each other! I averted my eyes and handed him the envelope.

“Please take this.” I said. I felt him look down at my hand. My whole hand went cold as I thought he was staring at it.

“Whatʼs this?” he asked, looking down at my hand. His voice was so manly deep.

So manly as fuck! So sexy, argh!

“Someone asked me to give this to you.” My voice would almost tremble. Itʼs scary to face someone like him because heʼs tall, his body is big and heʼs a... Man! I get awkard and uncomfortable easily when it comes to men.

I donʼt know what to do... He suddenly took a deep breath. Then the last thing I knew, was that he hit my hand. I thought he would! But he shook my hand so hard that I dropped the envelope.

I picked it up and thought he didnʼt mean it even if he really did. I began to overthink of the possibilities. I handed him the envelope and just repeated everything again. He shook my hand, the envelope fell and I picked it up. Same process it is.

I was crying out of frustration. Itʼs the fault of the woman who gave it to me. I was embarrassed by his teammates anyway. I should shoul have just leave! The woman even said that I would thank her more. Why would I thank her if nothing good is happening to me here?

“Please take t-this.” I stuttered when my hand trembled as I reached for the envelope repeatedly. I did it a few times already. I hope he takes it.

“I donʼt need your money.” he scolded. I was more nervous and trembling. Iʼm scared of what might happen! God... Please send someone to help.

“This is not mine. This is from that lady...” I glanced to where I came from a minute ago. There I talked to the woman. Now, she is no longer there. Had she left already? If yes... She left me here with her problem!

“Who gave this?” his deep voice has became even deeper.

“She left...” I whispered when I realized she was no longer in our place before.

“Stop kidding around, miss, it ainʼt funny.” he said.

Iʼm telling the truth... Why wonʼt he believe me?

“Just take this. Itʼs not from me. Someone just ask me to hand this to you.”

“I said I donʼt need it.” he said, coldly.

“Tetsurou, calm down.” said one of his companions that Iʼm sure heʼs on the team.

“I am calming my self.” he said to his teammates. He was accompanied by a sigh. I just stared at the two of them as they talked. I remained standing upright but bowed in embarrassment. I felt like he was looking at me, “Tell me whoʼs it from?”

I looked up. He calmed down... Thank goodness. “I donʼt know her name, she just gave this to me.”

“Who are you then?” he asked.

“Iʼm Iana.”

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