Chapter 2

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“Why are you here?”

“Iʼm a fan of yours. I came here to watch you play.” Not just a fan but a die hard fan! Iʼm dying to see him because I only see him in the little screen of my phone.

He smirked! OMG! OMG! What to do!? He just smirked at me.

“Can I hug you? Just one hug.” we may never meet again, so I want to make sure before we part ways, I can hug or touch him at least once.

“Really? After I yelled at you?” his brow raised.

“Itʼs fine. Iʼm fine.”

“You sure ʼbout that?” he, again, asked. I nodded with no hesitations.

Then he opened his arms wide for me. I should be ashamed because all his friends are looking at me. I am a girl, I shouldnʼt make a first move. Especially the hug. Thatʼs a big issue. My body did not tremble as I thought. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arm around his body—around his abs. He was 187 cm! And Iʼm just 160 cm. A huge difference, thatʼs why.

I counted every seconds passed so I can justify his presence.

“Youʼre so warm...” he whispered. “I felt like I wanna hug you forever.”

Kuroo... If you only knew how I feel now. Not just admiration. I want you, I want to love you but I can only see you in a dream. If only I could not wake up from this dream. If I would to wake up from this dream, I wish youʼre still with me...

“Iʼll give you my uniform. I enjoyed the hug even though we just met today.” he whispered again.

We are complete strangers...

“I like you so much... But you donʼt exist...”

He suddenly let go of the hug. I want to hug him even longer. He looked me in the eye... I looked into those shining yellow eyes of his. They were like gold and stars.

“I exist. Iʼm here in front of you. Yes, I exist.”

I hope itʼs that easy to believe. Yes, he said he existed, but only in my dream and imagination.

I just smiled when I was about to cry. Iʼm so proud of myself because I fell in love with the man who lives in another universe. I fell in love with a person who wonʼt break me like what the people in real world do.

I was just at that golden sea of his eyes. Iʼm drowning and I donʼt wanna go beneath the surface. I wanna stay in the deepness of this sea.

I see the moon, the big and bright moon, shining at me. Then I saw him swimming towards a drowning girl who doesnʼt even wanna get saved.

“Here you go.” he said as he handed his red volleyball uniform to me. I took that without hesitation. I think I need it. I think itʼs a chance that I should grab. “Wear it.”

I shook my head. “Iʼm so shy... I donʼt think I can wear this in front of your teammates.”

“Nah. Donʼt mind them. Besides, Iʼm the captain here.”

Just how sweet he was when he used his captain card against his friends just to see me wear his uniform.

“Iʼm not your girlfriend, I donʼt have the rights to wear this.” I just averted my eyes. I also want to avoid his eyes. If it was an ocean, it would be so deep that Iʼll drown myself.

“You hugged me the warmest. No one else but you can make me feel like that.” he said.

He slowly took the shirt from my hand and he himself volunteered to wear it for me. When I finally put it on, I looked at him. He smiled as his gaze hovered over my whole body covered by his uniform.

The smell... It is addictive. Now, Iʼm obsessed.

“Can I have this?” I asked, my confidence boosted up because of how he smiled on me.

“It fits you well. I'm gonna let you have that.” he formed a smile on his thin lips.

A wide smile formed on my lips. My smile reached my ears with my such happiness Iʼm feeling now! I was so lucky because the person I really like gave me his volleyball uniform, and he even let me hug him for a long time.

“Thank you so much! Really, thank you!” I chanted in joy.

He just laughed softly. Wow... He laughed at me while I was having fun. “From now on, youʼre gonna wear that every time you go to our practice matches.”

“So that means you are giving me permission to watch you play?” I brought my face close to his face inadvertently. I’m just happy and super excited for the next time we meet.

“You donʼt need to be permitted. If you want, then do it. I wonʼt force you to go.” he blew out a loud heavy breath.

Why did it looked like he was defeated when he said itʼs not by force? It felt heavy when I saw him that way. Am I just being dramatic or is it because of him?

“Are you sure itʼs fine?” I asked, clarifying. Of course I want to atleast ask his opinion, so I donʼt cause a problem to them.

“Iʼll ask my teammates.” he smiled. He turned to his teammates. His smile has been semi-permanent. “Guys, I hope itʼs fine to let her watch us.”

“Of course! In fact we also wanna see you together with her. You look like a couple.”

My goodness! Why are they saying that we look like a couple? We donʼt even look sweet at the first place! Ahh... How I wish to have no misunderstandings with the couple thing theyʼre talking about.

“Do we have a match tomorrow?” asked by some member of the team.

“Yes, and later too.” the hottest captain in the world asked. Kuroo turned to me. “Iʼm expecting to see you later at 4:00 pm.”

“Iʼll be exact on time!”

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