chapter 24

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Tw// homophobia

Mark harshly shoved his phone back into his pocket and looked at Donghyuck with worrisome eyes, which were about to start spilling tears all over again.

Donghyuck rubbed the back of Mark's hand with his thumb as he waited for the older to speak.

"I have to go to the hospital. Something happened to my brother," Mark told him in panic and Donghyuck nodded in understand.

"That's okay. Go, your brother needs you right now," Donghyuck instructed him and began to release the older's hand, but Mark gripped tighter.

"Come with me, please," Mark pleaded, his eyes begging for the younger to agree.

For some reason, Donghyuck was the only one who was able to calm Mark down. Not even his own brother or grandma could do that. Mark knew Donghyuck was special as soon as he began to feel at ease once the tanned male's hands were pressed against his ears earlier, being able to feel the electricity and a contradicting comfort.

"A-are you sure?" The younger was taken by surprise with the older's request.

With this question, the older immediately nodded with assurance and Donghyuck gave in. Mark plugged an earbud in Donghyuck's ear so that they were both listening to music, still hand in hand on the way to the hospital.

The younger guessed Mark really needed someone right now, he could tell just by how tight the older had a hold of his hand. But Donghyuck didn't dare mention anything about it, not wanting the warmth of the older's palm to disappear.

When they arrived at the hospital, Mark asked for Yejun's room and the two of them quickly made their way over, finding an older lady inside the room once Mark opened the door to which the older noticed to be his grandmother.

Mark removed his earbud and returned Donghyuck's phone to him as he let go of the younger's hand, making his way over to Yejun to scan the little boy's bruised cheek.

"What happened?" Mark asked, in disgust by the wounds on his baby brother and it wasn't because they were there, but it was because he was disgusted with the person who gave them to him.

"Yejun's friends...." His grandmother sniffled, keeping her cries in so her grandson won't be upset. "They called the police on their teacher because she was beating Yejun." His grandmother bit her tongue to control her emotions.

"What?!" Mark hollered and his grandmother sadly nodded.

"I knew something was up! There was no way in hell Yejun would come home with bruises just by being clumsy all the time," Mark reasoned in anger, the thought of giving Yejun's teacher a piece of his mind lingered.

"I don't understand why he didn't tell us. Now he's in this condition, unconscious and knocked out. He could have a concussion," His grandmother said.

"Maybe he was scared? Children find it hard to express their fear if something is holding them back, no?" The attention in the room turned towards Donghyuck, who's face became flustered. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to butt into your discussion."

"Don't apologize, you could be right," the grandmother kindly spoke, making Donghyuck even more shy than he already was.

"The doctor said he'll be just fine," His grandmother added and this made both Donghyuck and Mark sigh in relief.

Mark sauntered over to Donghyuck and pulled the younger into a hug, his arms wrapped around his waist as he head was buried in the younger's neck. Donghyuck had his arms circled around Mark's neck, one hand playing with the ends of his hair.

"Thank you for coming with me," Mark mumbled and Donghyuck hummed in response.

Meanwhile, Mark's grandfather walked in and eyed the too hugging boys in disturbance. Mark released the younger and rolled his eyes at his grandfather.

"Who the hell is he?" His grandfather rudely asked to which Donghyuck lowered his head and Mark's grandmother slapped the old man's arm for having an attitude.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Lee Donghyuck." He bowed and continued. "I'm Mark's..." Donghyuck trailed off, searching for the right description.

Donghyuck didn't fail to notice the disgust in Mark's grandfather's eyes and the warming eyes of Mark's grandmother.

"Classmate? He's a classmate right and only a classmate?" His grandpa asked and Mark scoffed.

"He's the boy I like," Mark told him straightforwardly to which his grandpa's eyes widened and his grandma smiled.

"No. As long as you're living under my roof, you're not allowed to be gay," His grandfather strictly told him and Mark scoffed again, the younger slowly creeping behind the older.

"You can't tell me who I can and can't like. Don't get mad at me and boss me around just because you're still not over the fact that your past relationship didn't work out, you hypocrite," Mark taunted, his lips forming a knowing smirk and Donghyuck stood behind him awkwardly.

This was one of the reasons why Mark and his grandfather didn't get along. He was against same gender relationships.

Despite the words that came out of Mark's mouth, it didn't phase his grandmother at all. Almost as if she had known of his grandfather's past, which shocked Mark a bit but not by much. He had a suspicion that she had known....

known that her husband had an affair with a man behind her back while they were together.

"Why you little-"

A cough interrupted his grandfather's comeback. Mark immediately turned his head and found his younger brother fluttering his eyes open. He made his way over to him while Donghyuck told Mark he'll be going, but the older begged him to stay once again and the tanned male couldn't say no.

But he also couldn't bare the awkwardness between him and his grandfather. Not to mention that whatever relationship he and Mark were beginning to form was not supported by his grandfather.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I should really get going though. Feel better, Yejun." Donghyuck apologized and waved at the little boy in the bed before leaving the room.


I thought I had updated this chapter the other day. I apologize for not doing so. Thank you for reading this chapter though! I hope you enjoyed. This book will be coming to an end by Monday!

Have a great day/night and stay safe! 💕
Much love...xx

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