Tangled (Pt 9) - Misunderstandings and Realizations

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(Y/n) rowed the boat onto the shoreline and stepped out, pushing the boat closer into the sand. She grabbed the satchel and looked to Rapunzel.

"I'm so sorry. But everything is fine. There's... just something I have to take care of."

Rapunzel looked unsure at the bag before nervously grinning at (Y/n).

The girl smiled back. "I'll be right back."

She then turned and quickly walked away.
Pascal crawled onto Rapunzel's shoulder.
"It's all right, Pascal," he said, talking more to himself than the reptile.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) hopped over a log and through some boulders when she came across Sideburns, who was sharping a brand.

"Ahh, there you are! I've been searching everywhere for you guys. Since we got separated. Hey, the sideburns are coming in nice, huh? You gotta be excited about that."
(Y/n) grinned.

The man gave her the side-eye before she awkwardly coughed.

"Ahem. Anyhow, just wanted to say, I shouldn't have split."
She tossed the satchel over to him before backing away.

"The crown is all yours. I'll miss you, but I think it's for the... best." She stumbled, bumping into Eyepatch.
Sideburns then stood up. "Holding out on us again, aye Ryder?"

"What?" (Y/n) frowned.
Sideburns walked toward the girl, essentially closing her in.

"We heard you found something. Something much more valuable than a crown. We want him, instead."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel stood by the boat, leaning against it with doubt as he looked into the fog.

A figure walked toward him in the distance.

He sighed in relief. "I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me."

He squinted at the figure then frowned.

(Y/n) was not that tall or buff...

The one shadow split into two.

He frowned as he stood straight up.
He remembered the two men from the dam.

"She did," said Sideburns.
Rapunzel glared. "What? No... She wouldn't."

Sideburns pointed out to the lake. "See for yourself."
Rapunzel glared the two men down before moving closer to the water.

There, in a larger boat headed back to the kingdom, the thief sailed farther away.

He cried out.
Sideburns shook his head.

"Fairtrade. A crown, for the boy with the magic hair." He said, swiping his hand across Rapunzel's head.

Said boy's eyes widened.
(Y/n) told them about his hair?
How... How could she?!

"How much do you think someone will pay to stay young and healthy forever?" Sideburns mocked before opening a bag.

Rapunzel glared at them before kicking Eyepatch in the shin and running.

"No, stay back!"

He jumped over a log, but the end of his hair got stuck.

"NO! NO!"


"What the—"




Rapunzel paused.

He quickly untangled his hair from the log and ran back.
Gothel stood over the thugs with a thick branch in her hands.

Tangled (Male! Rapunzel x reader)Where stories live. Discover now