Tangled (Pt 3) - Deal

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Rapunzel picked up the girl, quickly carried her to his closet, and shoved her inside.
He then dragged a chair over to keep the doors from opening.

He slowly backed away with his frying pan ready.
"Okay, okay, I got a person in the closet..."

He looked over to the mirror.
"I got a person in the closet."
He grinned with excitement.

"I got a PERSON in my CLOSET! Too weak to handle myself out there, huh Mother? Well, Tell that to my frying pan!" He said smugly as he swung the pan on his finger before accidentally hitting his own head.


He rubbed his head as he looked down in the mirror and noticed the bag that the stranger had with them.
He picked it up and took out the crown.

Having never seen a crown, he stuck his arm through the large hoop.

Pascal shook his head in disagreement.
Rapunzel then looked through the jewels that decorated it.
Still no.

He then turned to the mirror and slowly placed the crown on his head.
Pascal looked in amazement before shaking his head again.

Wow... This was...

The boy jumped slightly before hiding the crown and satchel in a nearby pot.

"Let down your hair!"
Rapunzel grinned excitedly.
"One moment, Mother!"

He threw his hair out the window and began to pull it back up when he felt the familiar tugged.
"I have a big surprise."
"Uh, I do too."

Mother Gothel grinned.
"Oh, I bet my surprise is bigger!"
Rapunzel grinned wickedly as he mumbled. "I seriously doubt it..."

Gothel sat up on the ledge of the window with a smile.

"I brought back parsnips. I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner, your favorite. Surprise!"
She said before jumping in and placing the groceries away.

Rapunzel began to walk toward the door.
"Well mother, there's something I want to tell you."
Gothel completely overlooked him.

"Oh Rapunzel, you know I hate leaving you after a fight. Especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong."

"Okay, I've been thinking a lot about what you said, earlier."
Gothel frowned.
"I hope you're not still talking about the stars."

Rapunzel pointed to her in excitement. "Floating lights, and, yes I'm leading up to that!"

"Because I really thought we dropped the issue."
Rapunzel rolled his eyes. "No Mother, I'm just saying, you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there—"

"Oh darling, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there."

Rapunzel touched the chair that held the door up.

"But if you just—"
"Rapunzel, we're done talking about this."
"But trust me, I—"
"—know what I'm—"
"Mom come on."

Mother Gothel turned angrily and began to shout.

Rapunzel stopped and looked to Gothel with surprise.

He slowly let go of the chair as his mother sat down on a nearby stool.
"Oh, great. Now I'm the bad guy..."

Rapunzel scratched the top of his arm awkwardly.

"...All I was gonna say, mother, is that... I know what I want for my birthday, now..."
"And what is that?"
"New paint. That paint made from the white shells you once brought me. And a new book..."
"Well, that is a very long trip, Rapunzel. Almost three days time."

Tangled (Male! Rapunzel x reader)Where stories live. Discover now