chapter 63

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In the morning Alec woke up first and thought he should make breakfast for his love and his future father-in-law, it was so beautiful to think his love's dad his future father-in-law, Alec smiled beautifully and he remembered night before full of emotions and how Mr Bane gave him a chance.

He was over the moon, he had decided to prove himself that he was worth mags' love, he was so happy and he wanted to tell everyone that mags' dad had given him chance, he wanted to impress Mr Bane so morning breakfast was a good start.

He brushed his teeth, freshen up and went to the kitchen, after their all talk mags had toured him whole house so he knew all the ways, he went in kitchen and surprised to see really beautiful and neat & clean kitchen, everything was well settled.

He searched for ingredients and he was happy that he found everything easily, he started to make pancakes because mags loved his pancakes, he smiled on the thought of it and started to cook, when he was flipping last pancake someone cleared throat and Alec startled a little and looked over who was.

Asmodeus : good morning Alec!

Alec : good.. good morning Mr Bane!

Asmodeus : I see you are making pancakes and it smells really delicious!

Alec smiled and nodded

Alec : thank you and yes mags loves pancakes!

Alec said with so much love in his eyes and asmodeus hadn't missed blush on Alec's face and he knew at that time this boy would never break his son's heart.

Asmodeus : let me guess he isn't still morning person is he?

Alec chuckled

Alec : no he isn't morning person yet and it's really difficult to wake him up for lectures too!

Asmodeus : I thought New York will change him but no he's not gonna change!

Alec : he doesn't need to, I love him the way he is!

Alec said without thinking and blushed on how simply he said that to his love's dad.

Asmodeus : uhh huh! I can see that and I'm happy about it!

Suddenly they heard footsteps and they saw very sleepy mags came rubbing his eyes and without seeing his dad mags went to Alec and wrapped his arms around him, Alec felt nervous because he had never hugged mags infront of his dad and it was new feelings he still needed to adjust.

Alec : mags...mags what are you doing?

Mags : how many times I told you don't leave bed this early? I can't sleep without your warmth!

Alec : mags it's 9 am now, it's not that early!

Mags : for me it is now let's go to bed again I want to sleep more and I can't sleep without your cuddles!

Asmodeus was amazed seeing his son like a baby and how much he was happy with Alec but he didn't want to hear their bedroom stories, not now not ever so when Alec tried to pulled away mags and mags didn't move he knew he had to walk from there or stop his son from revealing more details so he cleared his throat and mags looked at his dad and pulled away from Alec instantly.

Mags : dad!

He said little awkwardly, he had never been behaved like this after his mother's disease, he became more mature than his age.

Asmodeus : good morning son! I think I'll wait for both of you at dining table!

Asmodeus walked past smiling, mags turned to Alec and saw same nervousness, why he hadn't noticed it before? Oh yes he was so much sleepy!

one true love ❤️ {{ Book 1 }}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt