chapter 13

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Mags : smells so good.
Alec : yeah it is, let's have dinner.
Mags : I can't wait.
Mags pouted and Alec chuckled. They started eating.
Mags : it's really awesome Alexander. ( Full mouth with food )
Alec : yeah it's from one of my favourite restaurant mags.
Mags : hmm it's delicious, by the way your sister called you right?
Alec : yeah actually I forgot to tell you, our fastest news channel has given Izzy all the news.
Mags : you mean simon.
Alec : yeah and Izzy is really excited about you and she wants to meet you.
Mags : that's great I would love to meet her so when will I'm going to meet this gorgeous lightwood?
Alec : she will come next month, actually it's mom's birthday next month so we are thinking of celebrating her birthday. We will give her a surprise birthday party with close friends.
Mags : that's so sweet of you all, she will be very happy.
Alec : she will be also happy to meet you mags.
Mags : me? But isn't it family celebration or dinner?
Alec : mags I told you close friends and you are already in it.
Mags : thank you Alexander for giving so much honour.
Alec : they all will love you mags, you are sooo lovable.

Mags is blushing now.

Mags : stop Alexander otherwise I will not need my make-up.

Alec chuckled and mags smiled, after that dinner went well in complete silence both are enjoying their food. First day at hostel was really good and mags have to tell everything to Cat so he decided to call kat after dinner.
After dinner they got up and cleared everything.

Alec : mags I'm going for a shower, I will be back in few minutes.
Mags : ok Alexander you go first because I have call Cat, I completely forgot to call her and if I haven't called her now she will probably kill me.

Alec laughed and nodded and left the room.

Mags on call

Cat : look finally who has called?
Mags : sorry cat it was a tough day.
Cat : ok I'm listening

Mags told everything to cat about those basterds, about Alec and his friends.

Mags : so all these happened today.
Cat : oh god mags I will kill those basterds.
Mags : calm down black widow I'm all good.
Cat : soooo Alec huh?

Mags : shut up cat we are just good friends now.
Cat : mags it's more than that right? Tell me the truth
Mags : yeah cat it's more than that but I don't want to rush, let it go slow, let's see where things are going and in between we will get time to know each other.
Cat : mags it looks like you have known him for your whole life.

Mags was really blushing and cat was right, mags was feeling that.

Mags : cat please
Cat : ok ok no teasing but why don't you invite him at our meeting next week?
Mags : cat I have already invited him and his friends
Cat : oh my god mags working so fast and who's wants things slow now?
Mags :
Mags was all red that he even can't find right words to say.
Cat : oh god mags calm down, I'm really happy that finally you found your " ONE TRUE LOVE " , your soulmate.
Mags : I think so cat, now bye it's already too late, talk to you tomorrow, love you.
Cat : good night mags and love you too.

Mags hand up the call and he saw Alec in his night black pant and grey t-shirt and he was looking so dammm gorgeous, mags lost in Alec's beauty but he controlled his emotions and cleared his throat

Mags : how long have you been standing here?
Alec : just when you said love you to your bestfriend.
Mags : oh yeah, she was so pissed off that I haven't called her whole day but when I told her everything well first she got angry and than happy to know about you.
Alec : she looks really amazing person.
Mags : yeah she's, she invited you to our meeting, she really wants to meet you and very excited when I told her that you are coming with me.
Alec : I also would love to meet her, so do you also want shower?
Mags : yeah I can't sleep like this, I will be back in few minutes.

Alec nodded and mags went for shower.
Alec took a book and start reading but he couldn't concrete on book, he was thinking about mags, his thoughts turning all around mags only, he was so lost in thoughts that he didn't know how much time has passed.
Mags entered the room and looked lost Alec.

{ TBC }

one true love ❤️ {{ Book 1 }}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant