Tangled (Pt 5) - The Snuggly Duckling

Start from the beginning

"NO, I DO!"

"People please!"

"Give me back my guide!! Ruffians!!!"

The group began to spread out a bit, giving room for the bald hooked woman as she reeled her fist back.
Rapunzel frowned before looking up, thinking of a quick plan.

He used his hair to lasso a branch above the crowd.
(F/n)'s eyes widened in fear.




Rapunzel let go of his hair, sending the branch to fly straight down and hit the hooked woman in her head.

All movement then stopped and everyone's eyes (except the hooked lady) turned to the boy.
"Put her down!"

The woman with the hook turned her head toward the boy with a look of malice on her face.
Rapunzel gulped before steeling his nerves and speaking firmly.

"Okay, I don't know where I am, and I need HER to take me to see the lanterns because I've been dreaming about them my entire life. Find your humanity people! Haven't any of you ever had a dream?!"

The still silence was broken when Ms. Hooked walked slowly toward Rapunzel.
The men who were holding (F/n) hung her up on a nearby coat rack as they watched in anticipation.

"Wait! Wait! Stop don't hurt— MMF!"
A loaf of bread was stuffed into (F/n)'s mouth to shut her up.

Rapunzel backed up in fear as the lady came close to him.
He bumped into the counter behind him and stared the woman in her eyes.

She glared harder before looking away longingly.
"I... had a dream once..."
Ms. Hook rose a random ax and flung it at a lonesome man in the corner.

He ducked right before the ax could kill him, and played the accordion in his hand.
(F/n) looked him, then to Rapunzel and Ms. Hooked with confusion.

🎶I'm malicious, mean, and scary
My sneer could curdle dairy
And violence wise, my hands are not the cleanest🎶

She sang, backing away from an outline of a murder victim on the floor. She then moved from the floor to a tiny stage.

🎶But despite my evil look
And my temper, and my hook...
I've always yearned to be a concert pianist!🎶

She began to play the piano.

🎶Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart?
Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam?
Yep, I'd rather be called deadly
For my killer show-tune medley
Thank you
'Cause way down deep inside
I've got a dream🎶

(F/n) glanced around in confusion at these men and women in the pub who started to bob their heads in harmony.
"Whaph fhe ackual f—"

🎶She's got a dream
He's got a dream
See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem🎶

She played down the piano and accidentally punched a taller woman approaching.
Ms. Hooked leaned in with Rapunzel, who was thoroughly enjoying the musical number.

🎶Though I do like breaking femurs
You can count me with the dreamers
Like everybody else
I've got a dream!🎶


Outside, a hooded figure took off her hood, listening in on the muffled song from outside.
🎶La la la la la la la la la la la la laaaaaaaa!🎶


The taller woman, who was punched from earlier, sat up from behind Rapunzel and took the next verse.

🎶I've got scars and lumps and bruises
Plus something here that oozes
And let's not even mention my complexion
But despite my extra toes
And my goiter, and my nose
I really wanna make a love connection🎶

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