Thirteen -the whole max verstappen experience

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authors note- hey guys so sorry I've been gone for so long, I was overwhelmed with work and then my phone broke so I couldn't upload. Anyway, now I have a phone again I've written this chapter for you guys as quickly as possible today! All love 🤍
-unedited to get chapter out asap

Previously- Laur found out they were the Mafia, joined them and admitted who she really was. She also found out Jesse saved her, and she heard him tell her he loves her, and told him she loved him too.

Jesss POV

"You heard what I said?" I questioned Lauren as soon as we were alone. "Yes I did Jess, the truth is I still love you." She sighed, pausing before talking again.
"But... I can't trust kissed Olivia I can't just forget that." Lauren said staring at the ground.
"I know I really fucked up Lauren, I don't have an excuse and I don't know why I did it...I'm so sorry. Is there any chance I can earn your trust back?" I asked her, begging her to say yes.
She thought for a minute before looking up at me.
"It's going to take time Jess...."
"I'm willing to wait Laur." I quickly spoke.
She paused for a minute, thinking deeply.
"Well I suppose, but we are taking it very slow, and we aren't telling anyone about this yet okay?"
"Okay" I grinned at her, over the moon I had a chance again.

"Now we need to go back into the lounge the others will be getting suspicious." She told me grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the house.


Lauren's POV

"So Laur, let's get to work right away, what can you tell us to help with the FBI?" Max asked.
"I was close with several people who still work in the FBI, I know they would help me out, they hate it there." I replied.
"So we have people willing to be moles?" He asked
"Yes" I agreed
"Perfect" Mai smiled.

A day later

I managed to get two of my old close friends in on the plan with Max and I. Sophie and Lara told me top secret FBI information and sent me the documents to expose them for who they really were, and the passwords to some of the doors. Luckily, as I used to work there i already knew the best points of entry. Me and Max were planning the attack for in a couple weeks time, so we have time to properly organise everything so we can perfectly execute our plan.

After looking at the time me and Max quickly realised we needed to stop for the day. We had to head down to Wembley, the boys had a match and Mai was already there.

"Oh shit it starts in 30 minutes!" I panicked jumping into the car with Max.
"Well then, it's good you're with a formula one driver isn't it." He smirked at me, before slamming his foot on the accelerator of his Ferrari Monza SP2.

We pulled up shortly after the terrifying ride, consisting of me gripping onto Max's arm, screaming the entire time.
"Told you I'd get us here on time." Max winked at me. I quickly dropped his arm, not wanting to be caught looking too friendly by fans, paparazzi, or worse...Jesse.
"Indeed you did...but you almost killed us max!" I huffed getting out of the Ferrari.
"I was in control the whole time, I usually go a lot faster anyway." He chuckled, following me towards the stadium.

All of a sudden I felt an arm wrap around me. I looked up at max a puzzled look on my face.
"I'm shielding you from the paps" he whispered, steering me towards the nearest door. I nodded and began walking faster.
Unfortunately, it didn't work.
"Lauren, Lauren smith! What are you doing out with Max Verstappen?" One reporter yelled, running over to us.
"Is Charles okay with one of his best friends chilling with his ex?" Another yelled.
"We are friends!" I shouted back at them, before Max hurriedly shoved me through the door, then falling through himself, landing on top of me.
He lifted his head staring deep into my eyes, moving towards me slightly, suddenly, he seemed to catch himself and stopped, pushing himself up off the floor, offering a hand out to me.
If I didn't know any better I would of sworn he was going to kiss me.

We managed to quickly wish the boys luck, before joining Mai up in the stands.
"You two took your time" she rolled her eyes upon spotting us. I just awkwardly smiled at her and looked at Max for him to say something.
"Yeh, sorry got a bit too consumed in the plan." Max smiled at her.
"Well at least your here now." Mai nodded.
"Surprisingly in one piece... remind me to never get in a car with your brother again." I said to Mai, laughing lightly.
"Ahhh you got the whole 'MaxVerstappen experience' huh?" She smirked.
"Not quite." Max chuckled awkwardly, sending a wink in my direction when Mai wasn't looking.
"Though Im proud, i made a 40 minute journey in 20 minutes." Max smirked. "Even with one arm....this one was clinging to my other arm for dear life." He laughed, pointing at me.
I rolled my eyes and turned my attention towards the pitch, the players were coming out of the tunnel.

Whilst the boys were singing the anthem I locked eyes with Jesse, he smiled and winked at me, I gave him a small wave back, mouthing a good luck to him.


Luckily the boys won, which meant not having to deal with grumpy adult men today! Jesse scored a goal, I was so proud of him, he's really proving to everyone he's back and better than ever.

"Right celebration time! Let's all meet at mine at 8?" Max said to everyone. A chorus of 'yes's' were heard around the room.
"Perfect, see you guys later." He said beginning to walk out the door, before pausing and turning around.
"You coming Laur?" He questioned me. Everyone looked up at me, confused looks on their faces, which I ignored. "Urm...well you nearly killed me on the way here Max." I started. "I'll take her" Jesse said. Causing the boys to stare at me once again in confusion, not knowing we were all good now.
"Thanks Max, but I'll go with jess." I smiled at him. He nodded and walked towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow at 3 then Laur." He shouted walking out the door.
The boys looked at me, waiting for me to explain why I'm going with Jesse.
"Me and Jess are all good now boys." I told them once Max had left. They nodded and carried on their conversations.
"What does he mean he will see you tomorrow?" Jesse questioned, a hint of jealousy in his voice.
"For the plan Jess, we were working on it earlier that's why he gave me a lift here." I explained smiling at him, deciding to leave out max almost kissing me.
His face instantly relaxed.
"Let's get going then." Jesse smiled jumping up off the bench and grabbing my hand, walking towards the car park.

"Would you like to come in? You can get ready with Mase, Mai and me?" I said to Jesse as he pulled up outside of Mai's house. "I can't babe, I have left all of my things at mine." He sighed. "Ah okay see you later then jess." I smiled hopping out the car. Heading inside to wait for Mai to help me pick an outfit.

Jesses POV

I haven't really left my stuff at my house, it's in my bag in the boot. But I have a plan of my own, I need beans help putting it into action.

I arrived at my house ten minutes later, beans already waiting by the door.
"Finally!" He huffed picking up his bag and walking into my house.
I followed him, throwing my bag by the stairs and grabbing us some drinks.
"So what's this plan of yours?" He questioned as he slumped into my sofa.
"I want to ask Lauren to be my girlfriend." I admitted.
"Wait, what! I only found out today you two are good again, having you been hiding something from me?!" Marcus said placing his hand over his heart, wiping a fake tear away.
I laughed at his actions.
"No man, I just haven't had chance to tell you, we had a chat yesterday and she agreed to give me another chance. I just can't wait any longer I need to make her mine, I adore the girl mate." I groaned.
"Awhhh I'm so happy for you Jess, I know you never stopped loving her and seeing her with John really hurt  you." Marcus said, sending me a small smile.
"Yeh it was horrible, but that's why I need to act now, cause I feel like Max likes her too..."

Authors note- Unfortunately not long of the book left guys! 🤍🤍

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