Ignoring Kio, I sat down, looking back up to see Vinnie standing there. A blue fitted cap covered his curls, along with a black hoodie that clung to his torso. A small smile played on his lips as he looked at me, but I wore a dull, emotionless expression.

That smile wore off, and he walked away not saying a word.

I felt the chair behind me get pulled out and for a quick second I glanced to see who occupied the seat behind me, and like I thought, it was Vinnie.

I turned back around quickly, looking to Mila.

Her eyes were slightly widened and she mouthed an 'I didn't know, im sorry.' I shook my head and tell her, "You couldn't have possibly known. It's fine."

And it was true, Mila wasn't close with them so it's not like I could fault her for wanting to go out to eat here. So instead of remaining silent the whole time, and dealing with the awkward reality of him being here, we jumped straight into another conversation... one that I thought she was over but she totally wasn't.

"I still wanna know what happened with Noah that night. Your mom said you didn't come back until like  1 am."

Because of how close we were, I could feel Vinnie shift in his seat meaning he was overhearing our conversation. It wasn't any of his business though, we haven't been together for a month and haven't spoken to each other so he shouldn't worry about what I'm doing in my free time.

"We talked about somethings... He gave me a lot of insight on a topic I was feeling stuck about and that's it." I shrugged. A gust of cold air blew past, making a shiver fall over me. My sweatshirt was big enough so I tucked my legs up close to my chest and let the sweatshirt fall over them.

The warm feeling engulfed me, making a smile creep onto my face.

"You're lying, did you guys kiss? Why are your smiling?" Mila spews. My eyes widen, "Mila- No! We did not. You know what, I'm going to the bathroom, you can have this discussion by yourself." I laughed, getting up from my seat.

Mila started saying something else but I was already tuning her out as I made my way into the bathroom.

I was fairly quick, getting in and out of the stall fast. It was empty, which was nice and didn't give me anxiety. I always got anxious whenever I went out in public and other people were in the bathroom stalls. It intimidated me for some reason and I'd wait until everyone would leave or I'd walk in and walk out.

Don't know why, it was a weird complex of mine.

I washed my hands, drying them off quickly before I re-situated my hair that was under my hat. I pulled it in a ponytail, and placed the hat on top, before glancing at myself once more in the mirror before leaving.

I wasn't paying attention so when I swung the door open, I full on collied with another persons body. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I repeatedly say, not looking up.

"It's fine." I heard a familiar voice say.


Not right now.

Not today.

"Cleo, can you please look at me." Vinnie practically begged.

"It's Cleodora to you. You lost any privilege of calling me any nicknames or anything, a month ago." I snapped, trying to push past him. But he was quick to grab my wrist and pull me back towards him.

"Don't tou-"

"Don't touch you. Yeah I know. But I'm trying to talk to you and you're walking away. I want to apologize for everything, but it's impossible when all you want to do is leave." He grumbled. "You don't get to just apologize after everything that happened. I trusted you more than anyone out here. And you pulled that shit? How do you expect me to just forgive and forget?"

"I don't expect you to forgive me or to forget about it. I know I hurt you, but you don't even give me a chance to let you know how I feel. I've been beating myself up for a month, trying to figure out what I wanted to tell you, but you we're out in New York with some Noah guy." The way Noah's name rolled off his tongue was filled with hatred.

It took me off guard that he'd even mention Noah and he doesn't even know a thing about him.

"Yeah, I went back to New York to be with my mom after I got cheated on. You know, because I needed someone in my life I could actually trust. And don't bring up Noah. He's just my friend, but even if he wasn't it shouldn't matter to you." I said, my voice raising. Vinnie's facial expressions completely drop, and he looks defeated. But that wasn't my problem.

I gave him a chance, he blew it. Why should I give him another one?

Because you know deep down that you love him and just because he fucked up this once doesn't necessarily mean he'll do it again...

Stop saying I love him, I don't even know if that's true.

"We'll it does matter to me because I still have feelings for you. They aren't just going to go away, Cleodora. I'm sorry, I'll say it a thousand times until you understand that I regret hurting you. I don't understand why I did it, I was stupid and I'll own that. But I can't have you hating me." He says, staring at me.

I didn't say anything, I lust looked down, anywhere but his face.

I glanced towards his wrist and saw that he was wearing both the bracelets with my nickname on them and I felt my heart ache a bit. But I couldn't break.

"Well you should've thought about that before you went and broke my heart." I stated with a shaky breath. I was quick to turn on my heels, leaving Vinnie standing at the bathrooms.

When I got to the table to quickly told Mila we had to go, and so we went to find the waitress and we paid for the dinner there before we left.

When we got in the car Mila started to ask me what happened and I couldn't talk about it.

More like I didn't want to talk about it.

I couldn't stay there much longer because I felt that deep down I would start to regret my decision, and I knew myself. So I left.

I wasn't going to forgive Vinnie so easily.

I trusted him and he broke my trust. Now he was going to work on gaining it back.

hello my loves <3

i hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

I've been having a lot of fun writing this and I see all your comments about my writing and I just wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart.

You're all so kind and I love you.

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