Fredrick Valentich

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Okay, this is one of the creepiest stories I've read and thinking about it brings to goose bumps to my flesh. If anyone liked the mystery of Amelia Earhart and like UFOs then is this the story for you!

The Frederick Valentich Disappearance is an event that occurred on October 21, 1978, in which 20-year-old Frederick Valentich disappeared in unexplained circumstances while piloting a Cessna 182L light aircraft over the Bass Strait to King Island, Australia to pick up some mates.Unlike a myriad other UFO sightings at the time, the claims of pilot Frederick Valentich could not easily be dismissed as a hoax.This was not a claim or Fredrick reporting he saw  mysterious lights in the sky. Valentich was part-way through a seven-minute conversation with Melbourne air traffic control about the craft when he disappeared. However all recordings of Fredrick have 'vanished', the only one left with Fredrick's father who was told that he was given the tape to hear his son's last words but it was to go no further. The government documents can still be found, though you would have to no what you were doing.

(Those interested in looking at the 315 paged file: 1. Go to 2. Click on search the collection 3. Click on Begin your search 4. Up comes RecordSearch 5. In the keywords box type VH-DSJ 6. Up comes this file 7. Click on the View digital copy icon.)

Anyway, back to the story. Predictably, the aircraft, or the body, was never found. Shortly before Valentich’s last reported contact, plumber Roy Manifold set up a time lapse camera and tripod on the shoreline in order to photograph the sun setting over the water. When his pictures were developed they appeared to show a fast moving object exiting the water. Manifold gave the time that the pictures were taken as being approximately 6:47 pm (18:47 hrs), or 20 minutes before Valentich reported having difficulties.

Here is where it gets scary: Fredrick's words.

Here is the actual transcript:

Fredrick: 19:06:14 DSJ Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand?

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, no known traffic.

Fred:  I am, seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand.

19:06:44 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, What type of aircraft is it?  

 Fred: I cannot affirm, it is four bright, and it seems to me like landing lights.

19:07 FS Delta Sierra Juliet.

Fred: 19:07:31 DSJ Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a large aircraft, confirmed?

Fred: Er, unknown, due to the speed it's traveling, is there any air force aircraft in the vicinity?

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, no known aircraft in the vicinity.

Fred: 19:08:18 DSJ Melbourne, it's approaching now from due east towards me.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet.

19:08:41 DSJ (open microphone for two seconds.)

Fred: 19:08:48, it seems to me that he's playing some sort of game, he's flying over me two, three times at speeds I could not identify.

19:09 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your actual level?  

 Fred: My level is four and a half thousand, four five zero zero.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet and you confirm you cannot identify the aircraft?

Fred:DSJ Affirmative.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by.   FredL 19:09:27 DSJ Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it's not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds).

19:09:42 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, can you describe the -ER- aircraft?  

Fred: as it's flying past it's a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot identify more than it has such speed (open microphone for three seconds). It's before me right now Melbourne.

19:10 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the - er - object be?

Fred: 19:10:19 , Melbourne, it seems like it's stationary. What I'm doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It's got a green light and sort of metallic like, it's all shiny on the outside.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet

Fred: 19:10:46  (open microphone for three seconds) It's just vanished.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet

Fred:m19:11 , would you know what kind of aircraft I've got? Is it a military aircraft?

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, Confirm the - er ~ aircraft just vanished.  

Fred: Say again.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft still with you?  

Fred:; it's (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet

Fred: 1911:50 , the engine is rough-idling. I've got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is coughing.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?  

 Fred: My intentions are - ah - to go to King Island - ah - Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and it's not an aircraft.

FS Delta Sierra Juliet.

1912:28 Fred:. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds).

(An unexplained sound abruptly terminated the voice communications.) After the disappearance many people stepped forward and claimed sightings of UFO (I never believe in claims by people but I can't say they were wrong, plus it makes the story better.) Twin Cigar shaped objects were witnessed moving West to East over Victoria, changing from silver to white. Several witnesses observed this until they dissapeared behind the Cape Otway hills. One witness actually photographed an object shooting up out of the water at tremendous speed, near Cape Otway lighthouse. This event occurred only 21 minutes before Valentich first reported the object. Witnesses in Franskton, a south east Melbourne suburb, reported seeing a large cigar shaped object hovering in their area .Two separate sets of witnesses (a couple and two teenagers) reported seeing green lights in a star-fish shaped object. The couple actually witnessed the object moving over Bass Strait in the direction of where Valentich was flying.

Also important to note, Valentich apparently acted out of character before the event. He allegedly didn't supply a flight plan for this flight.  Plus, I think it's a little weird that the government 'lost' the recordings.   When it comes to aliens and stuff like that, i can be quite the skeptic, though I am a believer, however the case of Fredrick Valentich has me pissing my pants. This one of the most boggling UFO and even boggled the government. Any theories, I'd be interested on hearing. 

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