Dray ran the last meter to the door before opening the it with a bow and that happy smile on his face. Dad and I walk through the doorway before Dray closes the door again and walks over to me taking my hand to drag me over to our seats at the table.

All those fuzzy feeling suddenly return again when he held my hand, making a smile go on my face until we arrive at our seats and he lets go again.

I try to ignore the hollow feeling again and look around the table. Almost everyone was there, only Fenrir, Remus and Severus are still missing, but seeing as they were send on a mission, it isn't really surprising.

Sirius was the one who was supposed to go instead of Remus, but Fenrir was still pissed at him for what he did, which resulted in Siri being put upside down in a trashcan.

The three of them are on a mission to get more information (*cough* blackmail *cough*) on this racist, pink and cat loving creature. She works in the ministry under the minister himself, the minister is some fool named Fudge, and she is trying to pass some homophobic, racist and sexist laws. Obviously we don't agree with hee and want her gone, so that's why they're out getting information.

As we all sat down, well expect those three of course, and start to eat dad asks Cissa and Lucius about what they wanted to tell us. "We will tell everyone when all the others are back." Cissa answers, so everyone just gets started on their own conversations.

Dad, Luc and Dolph are talking about politics, especially about the pink creature and the laws she is trying to pass. Something about throwing anyone not straight into jail or having them executed. She's a horrible creature I tell ya. She kind of reminds me of the Dursleys, I mean both want to punish anyone who doesn't fit into their normal. It's truly sickening.

Cissa, Bella, Siri, Bast and Dray are talking about fashion. Apparently Bella and Bast had seen some shocking outfits while they went out shopping for new clothes and stuff, they love spending money way too much, the guy they saw was wearing blue socks in brown sandals, Siri looked a bit paler that he normally does when he heard this, and they also saw a group of girls all wearing different color neon dresses, like neon pink, neon yellow, neon green. Ten girls, ten colors. It was a bit too shiny, even if it was for a bachelorette party. Both Dray and Siri looked like they would faint and immediately started talking about the fashion crime of those people.

For some reason I suddenly look at Cissa's glass, there is always wine in it, every dinner she chooses a bottle that fits the meal perfectly, specifically for her they had a wine cellar made. Cissa is the person who knows every wine there is and can give you a detailed information about the taste and the origin. Cissa and Luc actually met at an alcohol tasting (AN I do not know if that's a thing but just go with it) Cissa was there for the wine and Luc for the liquor, neither really likes beer. Luc can tell someone about as much about liquors as Cissa can about wines.

The weird thing is that in front of Cissa is not a glass of wine, it's a glass of water. I have seen her drink many different sorts of wines, but never water, or at least not without wine. I look around the table for her wine glass but notice that every other adult does have a glass of wine, of course Dray and me don't have one, we are underage, this family may break the law with killing and that kind of stuff, but Dray and I don't aren't even aloud to think about drinking before 16 and even then it's only a glass at a table meal until 18.

While I'm in total shock of the fact that Cissa isn't drinking wine, a thought crosses my mind, the moving, we still have to ask the rest of the family what they think of the idea of living somewhere else, in a different an bigger house.

I touch dad's arm arm to get his attention, he looks away from Dolph to me. "We still need to ask about the moving. Do you wanna do it now or when the rest is here?" I ask softly. He considers it for a while before mouthing 'later'. I nod and continue to eat.

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