saturday 2/10

695 19 2

1 AM— at home

it's been a week.
a very stressful one, to be precise.

first off, i've been snowed under a shit load of work for university and to top it all off, ludo and vic have been calling me and texting me non stop but i haven't bothered picking up.

to be fair, the one i am even more mad at is ludovica.

we have been friends for as long as i can remember and she knows everything about me; very few stuff excluded.

but can i really call her my best friend after what i saw?
i mean yeah, technically she could fuck vic -she's a single woman- but some things, like a friend's ex, are off limits.
and i know damn well that if i dared to make a move on her ex she would crucify me.

i sigh loudly and start boiling some water as i play with a pen i found laying on the table.

the moment the water is done boiling, someone rings the bell.

my excuse for being up at this time is that i have an assignment to finish, which also explains the tea i am currently making, but who just shows up announced in the middle of the night?

“who is it?” i yell.

“it's ludovica”

“go home”

“i am here to apologize”

“save it, it won't fix anything” my voice is steady, but i nervously fiddle with the strings of my hoodie as i speak.

“come on, luna” she says. her voice sounds like it's about to break “please”

i sigh and open the door, but i don't invite her in.

her blond hair, usually neat and tidy, is a total mess and it is obvious that she'd been crying.
it's honestly heartbreaking to see ludovica, the one who always takes care of herself, in such a bad state.

“listen, ludo” i finally say “i have an assignment due tomorrow at nine am”

“oh” she sounds disappointed and turns around, ready to leave.

“but” i stop her “i have some time on tuesday. if you still want to apologize, as you phrased it, you can come by at five pm”

her eyes shine and she smiles at me.
“thank you so much, luna”

“yeah, yeah” i say seriously, but in the end i give her a small, sad smile “go home now, it's late”

“good night” she says and awkwardly stands in front of me for a couple of seconds, as if she's trying to decide about something.
in the end, she smiles at me one last time and i watch her run down the stairs.

“be careful” i mutter, but i don't know if she heard it.




hide & seek || 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘴✓Where stories live. Discover now