[3] A Deal is a Deal

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While Remote and Pen are looking for the others, Lollipop decides to do something "funny", according to her.

She invites Match to a friendly little bet, and a punishment if either one of them lose. "Hello, Match, it's nice to meet you.", Lollipop greeted Match. "Well, yeah. You're, like, here, so what even is the bet, like, about?", Match asked. "It's a secret.", Lollipop replied. "Also, take this.", she added, handing over a black bowtie. Match took the bowtie and wore it. She still wasn't sure about it, but she accepted it.

Lollipop then takes Match to a small location: a lonely cabin. There were many in the forest, but they decided to go in one. "Is this, like, the spot?", Match said. Lollipop nodded.  "So do we, like, start?", Match asked again. "And in one.. two... three! Right over here.", Lollipop answered as she pointed to where Match can sit. "Alright, we're ready.", she said once again.

They then started. So far, Match really doesn't know what she's doing, but she tries to go with it.

"Wait, like, w-what?!"

Match exclaimed. Turns out that she lost. "You know what I said about the punishment earlier?", Lollipop said, with a slight smile. "I-I.. I know! But it better not be, like, death!", Match said. She was trembling with fear. She didn't know what she had gotten into. "Oh, don't worry. It's way better than death.", Lollipop snickered a bit as she spoke.

She then held Match's hand and led her outside. "Here's your punishment. Harmless, right? Well, just wait here for a while. It's your fault you lost either way.", Lollipop continued. Match was confused. "How is this, like, a punishment?", Match thought to herself. She then saw Firey pass by. "Match? Why are you here?", Firey asked. He, too, was confused. "I don't, like, know, but apparently it's my, like, punishment?", Match replied. "Punishment? In that case, it's a really bad one." Firey said. He then walked away. Match was waiting for something to happen as she was lying underneath a tree.

Then what she waited for, her punishment, really happened.

Lollipop wasn't lying.

Match's top was lit on fire. Her eyes widened in shock. She couldn't say anything. All she could do was watch as she slowly burned.

Lollipop was behind the cabin. She watched Match's torture without any emotion. "And that's one.", she said, "Alright! That's today's hard work.", Lollipop added. "Hopefully Gelly Boy will take this one.".

ha cool funny

this part was kinda hard to write lol

rewriting this soon-

dont readTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon