[1] The Forest

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It's dark. Very, very dark. So much fog. Wait, what's that?

Remote wakes up in a forest, confused. She doesn't know how she got there.

Last time she knew, Pin was asking about where her seeds were.

Remote stands up and starts exploring the forest. So many trees, and no one to be seen. As she continues walking through the countless amount of fog, she hears something. "Hello? Anyone there?", a very faint voice. Remote's eyes widened. "Hey! Can you hear me?", she asked with a slightly loud tone. Sounds of footsteps start to get louder, and louder. Remote sees something green. Wait, that's Leafy! 

Leafy starts breathing heavily. "O-Oh, hi! I don't think we've m-met yet. I'm Leafy!", she exclaimed. It seems like she doesn't really care about the situation the both of them are in. "I'm Remote.". Remote isn't sure if she wants to be friends with her, but Leafy seemed so nice. "So have you seen the others?" Remote asked. "Others? I don't think so. I mean, it was so foggy!" Leafy replied. "So what should we do now?", Leafy continued as she looks behind her back. "Let's just look for the others.", Remote replied hesitantly. "Yeah. Actually- let's go!", Leafy said, grabbing Remote's hand. Remote gets startled, but Leafy completely ignored her and started walking. 

"Do you even know where you're going?", Remote asked. "Can't you tell? We're looking for our friends!", Leafy replied. "But you're not going anywhere.", Remote added. "Of course we are! We're going that way!", Leafy said. "I hear noises!". "Seriously. Are you joking? You know we're trapped here, right?", Remote replied. She's getting a bit frustrated now. Leafy stops and lets go of Remote's hand. "Fine then! If you don't wanna be friends, I might as well just leave you here!", Leafy said angrily, as she started walking away. Remote, confused, starts looking around, where Leafy brought her. "Yeah. It was a bad idea.", she muttered to herself.

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