Modeus' unnatural behaviour

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Modeus, the lustful demon, a character eesembling the sin of lust and sodomy. Kinda cute in her own matter, trying to have a sexual intercourse, ending up in goofy ways.

You were doing washing dished after dinner. It was dark and snowy outside, as it was a typical winter evening. The house was lighted by a small light from kitchen, where you were in alone, as the girls were getting ready to sleep.

You heard some footsteps from the staircase, which were aproaching the kitchen. You remained silent, listening to the sound, which ended in the kitchen entrance.
You looked behind you, to see a shadoqy figure with glowing hearts as her eyes and few mire floating around.
"What is it, Modeus?" You asked
"May I spend some time with you?"
"But it's bed time, I will be going to sleep in a while. You could ask earlier." You said

"Or we can spend time here in living room, or we will do the thing in my bedroom and you won't be sleeping any time soon." Modeus demanded.
"*sigh* alright. I will just finish cleaning dishes..."

You finished doing your dishes and modeus led you to the couch in living room.
"So, dear demon. What do you wish me to do?" You asked, as she pulled out a dvd.
"I found it in the shop and you WILL watch it with me." Mdeus said before handing the DVD to you, so you can play the movie.

The movie was a romantic crap, but modeus seemed to blush in deepest red and her hands and lap were covered in blood flowing from her nose. As the movie ended, you were releieved that it's over, but modeus wanted to do one more thing.
She wrapped her arms around your waist.
"I heard, this is popular amongst mortals... it's called the "cuddle". Pandemonica was talking about it and I searched the Internet, to learn how to do so." She said, looking straight into your eyes.
"I guess, you checked it on WkiHow, huh?" You sarcastically asked, before your hand landed on demon's had as you started to give her headpats. Modeus' blush deepend.
"So is this all you need? A hug and headpats? Quite unique for you, mody"
"Well I, uhhh. I wanted t-to ask you also one tning..." the lustful demon obviously lost her boldness right now.
"And what it could be?"
"C- can we lay, next to each other, under blankets and H- HOLD HANDS?" She said, embarrassed.
"Too many romance books you read today? We can do it if you insist."

So the two headed to the bedroom to sleep wit each other. We shouldn't interrupt their warm and romantic slumber...

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