Jung Hoseok - BTS; requested

Start from the beginning

After he's done sucking on your neck, leaving a wet streak of spit over a bite mark he made, he starts to walk over to the pole in the middle of the room. Before he can tough, you grab the hem of his skirt, dragging him back over to you. He doesn't hesitate, letting you pull him over back to you. You tell him to bend down and he does exactly that, bending down so that his eyes are met with yours. Taking a dollar bill, you place it in his bralette, making sure to make it visible. You do this a few more times, placing the dollar bills all over his body.

Finally, when you get to the last bill, having used all of them already to cover the boy before you, you drag the bill down his body. You drag it from his collarbone, to his chest, to his abs, to finally his v line. You then shove your hand down his thong, fishnets and skirt, putting the bill so that only the top was sticking out.

Although, you’re stopped before you can do that, feeling your boyfriend’s hand on your wrist. Stopping in shock, you look up to your boyfriend, who had a smirk on his face.

“I said no touching.” he tells you rather demandingly. You scoff, knowing that just because he was all dolled up and had you under him that he thought he was in charge. I guess it was your job to show him that he wasn't.

Moving your hand up to Hobi’s throat, you locked your hand around it, squeezing it tightly. The boy before you, who was shocked that you would even do this, scrambled down to his knees, making it so that you were now looking down at him between your thighs rather than him looking down on you. He puts on his best puppy dog eyes he can, knowing that you were probably going to punish him. And, even though the face he was making at the moment was cute as hell, you knew that you had to imply the rules no matter what.

Leaning down so that your face was right in front of his, you open your mouth to ask the boy below you a question.

“Now, little puppy, just because you're prancing around like you own the place doesn't mean you can disobey the rules now. You dont wanna get punished, hm?” you ask him with a curious look. He doesn't answer you, causing you to lightly slap his face in response. A few seconds after the blow, he shakes his head left to right, answering you with a “no ma’am.” You hum in content, loosening your grip around the boy's throat.

“You know what this means though, right? You tried to be in charge when you know well whos in charge.” you tell him. His head falls a bit, but he nods his head in response. Smiling, you let go of him, petting his head.

“Why don't you go get the knife, hm?” you ask him. He nods his head, getting up to head over to the cabinet of play toys the two of you had collected over the months you first started this dynamic.

Reaching into one of the drawers, he pulls out his favorite one. It has a bright pink and red case, and the blade cut so perfectly into his skin that he was already shivering from just the memories of using it. He also reaches for the bottle of ibuprofen next to it, taking two tablets out of it. 

Bringing both of those over to you, he kneels before you, bringing his hands up for you to get the materials out of. You take the knife, placing it on the floor beside you, and the pills into your empty hand.

You move your left over hand so that you're holding his jawline, rubbing it just a tiny bit. His mouth is already wide open, ready for you to make your move. Collecting the spit in your mouth, you wait a few seconds, wanting it to be so that you have just enough of it to use as lubricant. When you do have enough, you lean forward, removing the spit from your mouth into his. So, as your spit finally rests in the mouth of your boyfriend’s , you do the same thing over again, repeating this process until you determine that he has enough in his mouth. After that, you let go, nodding your head for your boyfriend to the tablets still in his hand.

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