Tangled (Pt 1) - A Single Drop

Start from the beginning

She lifted a strand of his hair and drew a pair of scissors from her cloak.

🎶Flower, gleam and glow, let your powers shine, make the clock re—🎶

Gothel gasped. She had cut the strand. However, it turned brown and fell upon the mattress, powerless.

She frowned at the baby as he began to fuss.
She had to think quickly before she was caught!
She needed to leave!

She stared the baby down as he began to fully cry before making her decision.

She'd leave.

But not empty-handed.

"Gothel broke into the castle..."
The cry of their baby woke the royal couple.
The King and queen awoke to the sound of their crying son.

They immediately sat up to watch a hooded figure holding a wiggling bundle in their hands.
But before they could rescue their child or even move from their bed, the stranger vanished.

"...and stole the child. Just like that... gone."
The King's guard combed through the city and even checked deep into the forest.

"The Kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the young Prince. For deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, Gothel raised the child as her own."

Gothel sat in her chair behind Rapunzel and began to brush his hair.
Rapunzel softly sang the words that his mother taught.

🎶...save what was lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine🎶
Gothel sighed in content as her hair returned to its luscious dark color and her cheeks puffed up with life.

"Gothel had found her new magic flower. But this time, she was determined to keep it hidden."
Rapunzel turned to his mother. "Why can't I go outside?"

"The outside world is a dangerous place. Filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, wildflower?"
"Yes, Mommy."

The night finally came and Gothel slept peacefully in her room.
"But the walls of that tower could not hide everything."

Rapunzel quickly scurried down the stairs quietly to the window door, his long hair already dragging across the floor along. He opened the window and watched in amazement at the beautiful lights that danced across the sky.

"Each year on his birthday, the King and Queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky in hope that one day, their lost Prince... would return."

18 Years Later

Pascal hid behind a flower pot and panicked. He heard the rapid footsteps approaching and camouflaged himself.

Rapunzel shoved aside curtains with a smirk.
"HAH! Huh?" He looked around in confusion before smirking once again.

"Hmm, Well... I guess Pascal's not hiding out here..."
The chameleon chuckled, thinking he had the victory when a golden lock of hair snatched him up. He shrieked.

"GOTCHA!!!" Rapunzel grinned. "That's twenty-two for me. How about twenty-three, out of forty-five?" Pascal shook his head in disagreement. "Okay, well, what do you want to do?"

The reptile pointed his tail out the window, indicating that he wanted to go outside. Rapunzel rolled his eyes before picking up his friend. "Yeah, I don't think so. I like it in here and so do you."

Pascal stuck his tongue out.

"Oh, come on Pascal, it's not so bad in there."
Rapunzel ran back inside, his ridiculously long hair sliding across the floor behind him.

He began singing as he did his daily choirs.
🎶 7 a.m. the usual morning lineup.
Starting the chores I sweep 'til the floors all clean.
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up.
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.🎶

He slumped against the wall in exhaustion, looking at the clock. He grinned at all the free time he had now.

🎶So I'll read a book, or maybe two or three. I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery.

I'll play guitar, and knit, and cook, and basically.
Wonder when will my life, begin.

Then after lunch, it's puzzles, and darts, and baking.
Paper-mache, a bit of ballet, and chess.🎶

He pretended to pick up his imaginary partner and spin her around, only to tangle himself in his own hair and fall. He groaned on the floor, but still managed to reach up and move his queen to defeat Pascal's king.

🎶Pottery, and ventriloquy, candle making. Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch. Take a climb, sew a mess🎶

Rapunzel scratched under his chin in disappointment as he looked over Pascal, who wore tiny pants that were not the same size and an ugly yellow royal's shirt.

"...Maybe I'm better at it in its actual size rather than a miniature one..."

🎶And I'll re-read the books. If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more, I'm sure there's room somewhere.🎶

Rapunzel then took a brush from a drawer.

🎶And then I'll brush,
and brush,
and brush,
and brush my hair.
Stuck in the same place I've always been.🎶

He finished brushing out the last of his hair with a tired groan before hopping down and throwing his hair out around the room.

🎶And I'll keep wondering, and wondering, and wondering... Wondering, just when will my life begin?🎶

He slowly moved to the balcony window, looking out to the sky.

🎶Tomorrow night, the lights will appear. Just like they do on my birthday, each year.🎶
He then turned to the new painting over the fireplace.

He sighed as he looked at the lights in the sky.
He took a few of his paints and got up over to the painting to add one last detail to it.

🎶What is it like out there, where they glow? Now that I'm older. Mother might just let me go...🎶

He finally finished the last stroke of gold onto the painting and sadly smiled at the picture of himself.
When would he ever leave home?

Author's Note: I would like it to be known that I do not own anything related to Disney, any of it characters, or the original plot line. I've basically copied and pasted the story structure.

Tangled (Male! Rapunzel x reader)Where stories live. Discover now