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Julie:WELCOME back to big brother today is the season premiere of season 23 and things will be heating up here in the BB Beach club.
Julie:Backstabbing,alliance's,friends,foes you see it all here on BIG BROTHER lets meet our first four houseguests now
Mika's pov:
We four all walk into the mans nest and see nacho ball and sodas with balloons,decor,and Ray with Schwoz next to the couch
Mika:whats all this
Ray:oh its for you guys after we finish your last sparring lesson till 3 months are over
Bose:why 3 months
Ray:no time to answer that
-after sparring-
Ray then has us go outside and check the weather
Chapa:their acting weird
Miles:I KNOW mmh i mean i know right
Ray:you can come back in now
We go back in the mans nest and see four keys on the table with our names on them.
Chapa:Ray is this what i think it is
Miles:omg really
Chapa:hi i'm Chapa and i'm 22.I live in Swellview but i grew up in South west India
Chapa:my mom is from india while my dad is from Mexico
Bose:hey my names Bose and i'm 22.I live in Swellview.I actually grew up in Guatemala with my mom then we moved to Swellview
Miles:hi my names Miles and i live in Swellview.I grew up in Africa with my sister Mika.I'm 23
Mika:hi i'm Mika i live here in Swellview.I grew up with my Brother Miles in Africa and i'm 21
-big brother stage-
Julie:welcome to big brother
Mika:thank you
Julie:so does anyone consider themselves a risk taker
Miles:Not at all
Julie:Really only 1 well your gonna be taking a lot of risks this summer anyway i will let you enter the house but no fooling around,go straight to the backyard for your first challenge
Group:ok Julie
Julie:you may enter
All of us enter,take a quick peek of the house but go straight to the backyard
Miles:this is so cool
Chapa:i call the red one
Mika:green one
Julie:Hello houseguests
Group:hi Julie
Julie:today is a very special day at the pool of slop.Arrange your plexiglass to match the easel behind,hit your buzzer,it would light up green if you got it correct.Now on your mark...Go
I could everyone shuffling around but i have to focus on my own puzzle.Before you know i hear a buzzer ding and clapping
Julie:Congrats Bose you just won the first competition of the summer
Miles:Proud of ya Bose
Chapa:good job Bosey
We go up to the balcony and wait for other people to come around
Julie:We are now gonna meet the next four people that are gonna enter the house
Derek x's pov:
I walk back to my stuff to grab water and i see a big brother key with my name on it on top of my bag
Derek x:Hey my name is Derek and i'm 24
Britni's pov:
I'm in my karate dojo training when all of a sudden Rob pulls out a big brother key with my name on it.I was so excited that i started to jump up and down
Britni:Hello my name is Britni and i'm 24 years old I'm from Niagara falls new york and i'm a kindergarten teacher
Derek f's pov:
I was running back up the stairs to keep practicing boxing but when i reach the top i see a big brother key with my name on it
Derek F:Hey guys i'm Derek F i'm 29 and gay
Claire's pov:
Typical day of me just doing yoga on rocks.I looked next to me and found my big brother key
Claire:hey i'm Claire and i'm 25 years old.I live in Ohio but i moved to new York
-big brother stage-
Julie:hello you are now the second set of four to enter the big brother house
Brtini:thats awesome
Derek X:yea
Julie:well once you enter the house go straight to the backyard to compete in your first competition
Group:ok Julie
Derek X's pov:
The group walks into the house with me being the last person.We all go into the backyard and hear voices so we look up and see people waving at us
Derek X:oh hello
I felt like we could all be allies in the house but i felt this strange connection with this one girl
Julie:Hello again houseguests
Group:hey Julie
Julie:today you just got kicked out of your hotel arrange your plexiglass pieces to match the easel behind you
Julie says go and we all start rummaging around to finish the puzzle.After a few minutes i go hit my buzzer and i see it light up green
Julie:congratulations to Derek X you just won your first competition
Chapa:good job guys
Derek X:thank you
We go up to the balcony and start talking with the other people.After i meet everyone i go over to that girl again and start talking to her
Chapa:yea my mom is from India while my dad is from Mexico
Derek x:thats great
Chapa:yea but now i live in Swellview
Derek X:thats nice
Bose:hey guys
Chapa:hey Bose
Derek X:hey
Bose:whatcha doing
Bose:bout what
Derek X:just a little bit about ourselves to get to know each other
Bose:ok well mind if i join
Bose:cool oh did i meet you already
Derek X:yes you did Bose
He walks away and me and Chapa go back to talking
Chapa:so friends
Derek X:friends
We said with a smile on our faces
Julie:ok houseguests til we meet the other people you can go inside and rest
We all go inside,me and Chapa are talking while laying down on the couch.
Chapa:ima take a nap is that cool
Derek X:i'm pretty tired myself so i'll join you
We both fall asleep on the couch just waiting for someone to wake us up.

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