Chapter one

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Childe looks at his lovely husband, Shrek.
"Honey I think I'm in labor!!" Childe yells
They rush to the hospital, after 46 days of pushing, Mario egg and Luigi egg are born.
"They are so beautiful" Childe says with tears forming in his bright blue orbs. Then he dies.

10 years later....

H-hi... I'm Mario egg
my dad Childe died 2 seconds after me and my brother were born, and then our other dad Shrek died 3 days later in a horrible car accident
We have lived in a sunflower field ever since....

One day Mario and Luigi were playing in the fields, suddenly Mario feels a pain inside of his yolk.

Mario: L-Luigi... I think I'm cracking.. remember me.......

Tears form in Luigis eyes...

"M-Mario... I will always remember you...
w-when daisy hatches I shall name the child after you....."
"Farewell Mario..."

*insert intense sniffling*

As Mario's life comes to an end, Luigi is left alone to mourn the loss of his beloved brother in the field of sunflowers..
Sunflowers were always Mario's favorite, Luigi silently picks a few and leaves a bouquet as the sun dips below the endless ocean...
As the stars come out, Luigi can sense his brother is watching over him, the wind blows a sunflower onto Luigi, making him sure that his brother is with him...

The end.....
Or is it?

The tragic death of Mario eggOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant