Chapter nine

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"Found it" George squinted his eyes as he pointed to his small sedan "Over there!"

Dream already missed George's warm touch and sweet scent. He watched as the shorter ran towards the car, still covered in rain.

Dream smiled and ran after him, making it to the car just behind George "This feels so weird. It's just been so long y'know?"

George nodded and held Dreams hand "The world missed you Dream. I can't wait to show it to you again" he blushed at his own words.

Dreams grin grew as his eyes locked with George's lips. He just wanted to taste them again, and again, and again.

While deep in thought, George pulled away and started to drive off.

Dream internally sighed as he missed his moment to kiss his wonderful boyfriend. But he knew they'd be doing a lot more of that.

Dream looked back at the tall white building. He'd always hold onto all the memories he had in there, some good, some bad. But he'd never forget them.

He was excited to experience life again.

With the people he loved close by.


"You're an idiot!" Sapnap yelled as Quackity sat on his shoulders "Put it higher!"

Karl could be heard laughing in the background "I can't believe how short you two are. It seriously took both of you to reach the top of the doorway!" Karl almost couldn't breath with how loud his laughter was.

Quackity held onto Sapnaps head "Shut up Karl! Why don't you get up here and do it yourself?!"

Sapnap laughed and almost fell over. Quackity grabbed onto him tighter "Dont fall over Sap! I'm still here!"

Sapnaps whole head was covered by Quackitys arms "Q I can't see!"

Karl just continued to erupt with laughter as his two boyfriends looked like blind mice "I'm gonna pee myself!" Karl fell over from laughing so hard.

Sapnap tried to grab the wall to get balance, but lost his footing "Quackity I'm going down!"

Quackity held onto him tightly and they both fell over.

All three boys lost it. The room filled with giggles and sarcastic comments.

They were so busy laughing they didn't hear the door unlock.

"Guys?" Dream looked at his three friends on the floor. A very crooked sign that said 'Welcome Home Dream!' half taped to the ceiling and decorations all over the ground.

Sapnap looked up first "Welcome home!" He pointed to the sign as Quackity still laid on top of him.

Dream smiled "I missed this"

All three boys got up and ran over to hug their friend.

They all joked and talked for a bit. Dream looked around the house again, nothing had really changed since he had left.

It felt good to be back home.


"Bye guys!" Dream waved as Karl and Quackity were leaving "See you Monday!"

The two boys waved and left their house.

"Now since technically this is new" Sapnap darted his eyes between George and Dream "Let's lay down some ground rules"

Dream smiled, taken aback by Sapnaps tone.

"First, please if you're going to be all cuddly and annoying, do it when I'm not around" Sapnap held his finger up "Next, if you're going to be all 'more than cuddly' please make sure I'm not home"

On the Inside | (AU) Dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now