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"It is pathetic how you allow yourself to walk around looking like that. You should know that your pitiful attempt of trying to earn sympathy would lead you to no were sweetie." I glare at the snarky voice towards my left. That woman cannot close that tramp of hers. She has been on me since I have started working here. However, times I tired slapping words back or managed to successfully avoid her, she would lap around again like a pride less dog to bit, which rarely fazed me. The damage she so hard tried to inflict was hardly notices or considered. But at times I could not help it, I could not afford to tolerate it at times and for the life of me I never get why is she so persistent on being a complete bitch to me.

I start drying my hands before leaving her behind in the restroom, but seems that my indifference to her spiked her even more.

I hear her ticking her tongue before she retorts. "Ohhh, do not tell me you got hurt darling. It is really disappointing how effortless that was"

Her words halt my hands from twisting the door knob in a nagging attempt to flee the space that now fumed with excessive tacky perfume. She is just too much to handle in such a small place, actually in any place. Pamela is a woman who would defiantly retain forced attention into any space she just happens to be at. It's vexing when you have to be exposed to it long enough, you could tell its testing you're your sensible state and focus.

Since I was introduced to her when I came here, I realized that she is too much to have in space, to many flashy bangles, bracelets or anklets that would be impossible to not hear her coming from 10 feet away. And god help my poor nose, I know for a fact that since I was transferred to the script team, I might have officially lost my sense of smell. It baffles me how she makes it seem like a mission, a necessity to be soaked in her favorite odors, the very bold notes you could sniff from miles away once you enter the building.

She is just too flashy too shiny too loud than I could possibly comprehend. And for someone like her to feel ignored or lightly taken, it awakens a whole new level of bitch in her, it threatened her hard nurtured aura and her face says it all at the moment.

I really wanted to throw shit at her at the moment but I never want to give her the satisfaction that her words were big enough to bite me. So, I attempt again to leave, planning on showing how she could be easily neglected and dusted off.

"ohh did not mummy dearest taught you any ounce of respect you filty-" Hot blood busted into my brain, how dare she?

I could not hold it, that tongue of mine that rarely knew how to put anything in line decided to lash out without me noticing what was coming out of it.

"I would stop you right there for your own good. You wanna know filth, look in the mirror."

And with heaving lungs and I bet root blooded face, I march out to slam the door shut after hearing a horrific gasp from behind me walking back to my cubical. That's it, she needs to know her place.

Once my bottom touches my chair, my form slouches in exhaustion as I rest my elbows on the desk holding my head. I finally release the breath that I was holding. I am rarely someone who would stand up for themselves or get aggravated easily. I was never good at it.

"Sunshine you okay?" totally lost, I snap my neck up to see a concerned Mrs. Ivy looking at my neck with a slacked jaw. "I think I might have heard your neck pop." She seems slightly mortified which draws a chuckle fro me. I could not help it, she is just such a bundle of jolly to look at after such encounter.

"No its alright." I say, massaging the back of my neck, smiling softly at her. But before she speaks, a loud screech reaches our ears and we instantly look to our far left from the cubical. There seems to be some girls that I recognize all huddled up at the entrance of the floor department looking out through the glass wall with love-struck eyes. What is happening? Distance murmurings could be heard but I could barely gather what they were saying.

It Leads to Your Heart. [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now